Stack And tile shortcuts/improvements

This is confusing.
Win keys should be CMD and ALT / ALTGR should be OPT like in MacOS.

It is better to take the key layout from the PC keyboard (ctrl - cmd - opt ____ opt - cmd - ctrl). In my opinion.

I have realized that I misunderstood your message. So I do not use Alt Gr as mapped in Haiku. I use it as it is intended.

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This is also confusing. PC keyboard layouts should work as PC keyboard layout is intended, and Apple-like keyboard layouts should work as intended.

That means Alt Gr should work as Alt Gr is intended.

That is not a PC keyboard layout. That is some kind of PC/Apple hybrid. It’s confusing.

I will say in other words:
ctrl - cmd(win, super, os, meta, logo) - opt(altgr/alt) ____ opt(altgr/alt) - cmd(win, super, os, meta, logo) - ctrl

…Best of both worlds.

Speaking of keyboards, most decent keyboards have exchangeable keycaps.

So yes, you can get keycaps with Command, option and anything else.



which is why the work should go in to fix the mappings/labeling in the OS/User Guide

Which is why the work should be put in to fix the mappings/labeling in the OS/User Guide.
continuing to preserve the poor design decisions of the BeOS devs is not a good idea.

It would make more sense to set the mapping based on what type of keyboard the user has, where Ctrl == Ctrl, Command == Logo(Win/Super/Meta, because it near always has some kind of logo on it), and Allt/Opt == Opt. if you’ve got a Mac keyboard then the keys are Control, Option, Command. PCs have Ctrl, Logo, Alt.

Even though there’s no reason to emulate Mac at all, there is reason to make sense when is comes to matching key names between the screen and keyboard. it makes absolute no sense, and confuses people when you arbitrarily call a key something it’s not. Cmd = Alt is just confusing to anyone whose used a computer keyboard for the past 40 years, but has never seen Be or Haiku.