Screenshot of another workspace

Hello All,

can i do a screenshot of a other workspace?

Example: I am on Workspace one and then i press a button and get a screenshot of Workspace 2

Greetings Lelldorin

I’ve often had the same question. I wonder if hey or similar could be scripted to quickly do a switch, take a screenshot, and switch back? If it were AppleScript, I’d have the answer. :smiley:

You cannot take a screenshot from a workspace without switching to it first. In general it works with:

Workspaces 1
screenshot --silent

This switches to the 2nd workspace and saves a screenshot in /boot/home.
Would be interesting to be able to swith back to the starting workspace, but I don’t know how to find that out…

Humdinger: You cannot take a screenshot from a workspace without switching to it first. In general it works with:

Workspaces 1
screenshot --silent
This switches to the 2nd workspace and saves a screenshot in /boot/home.
Would be interesting to be able to swith back to the starting workspace, but I don’t know how to find that out…

Thanks this help me out, but screenshot does not make a screenshot of the active window (-w), is this a known bug?


-w works here… Always shows the Terminal “screenshot” was called in, of course.

So keep silent, but here he does not

There must be a way to go back to the previous workspace, since we have a shortcut for it: command+² (key under escape). Not sure how to trigger that programmatically, however.

If I interpret you correctly, it changes workspace and takes a screenshot silently, but doesn’t just take the window, but the whole screen. I suspect that there just isn’t any window in focus on the workspace you change to.
There’s probably something that can be done with hey, but I don’t know…

yes humdinger this is right. i dont know why the option -w not work using the terminal

But it does work…
screenshot -w --silent saves the currently active window (= the Terminal window) as png to /boot/home.

If you do sleep 2 && screenshot -w --silent it’ll wait 2 seconds while you can click on another window, which then is screenshot.