
I think many of Haiku’s apps would be great as a replicant! Pulse is a good example. I would love to see Pulse and Launch Box as a replicant. Would there be a way to enable replicants in all apps?

Pulse already is a replicant. Besides that, every app could be made a replicant in theory, but it can be very complicated to do so, and I would also see little use for most of them.

What advantage do you see in a replicant LaunchBox, anyway?

IIRC a well-written replicant reserves the desktop space behind it, so you don’t end up with Launchbox obascuring a desktop icon.

Yes, pulse is a replicant but just the on/off switch. The rest of it is not a replicant. The pulse replicant does not show the CPU properties, or its usage.