Questions about Haiku OS

I wanted to ask a few questions

  • Is it faster and more powerful compared to GNU/Linux?
  • Can Haiku can be used to run severs just like GNU/Linux?
  • Is it in Beta now?
  • Is it possible to install the Linux Kernal on Haiku OS so we can run GNU/Linux applications natively rather than to run an emulation?

• Yes, in some sense. Haiku made to be responsive to the user.
• Yes.
• No.
• No.

How come it is not possible to install the Linux Kernel on Haiku? Lets say there are two well optimised games for both GNU/Linux and Haiku, on which platform would it run better on?

Can you install Linux Kernel on Windows or MacOS or Ubuntu? if you can, than you can do that in the same way on Haiku Operating System.
In the same situation (with the same hardware support) Haiku would run better games than Linux.

May I ask why are you deleting my post?

Uhm you mean me? I`m trying to delete my post, not yours :smiley:

Oh lol sorry about that XDD

Well cause Windows and OS X are both closed source. GNU/Linux is open sourced.

To be clear, some parts of MacOS are actually open sourced…

…now I’m not here to claim Apple is some great contributor to the world of open source, as they’ve got room to grow in that area :wink:

Wow holy shit. That is quite weird.

Well, thanks to themeand their huge work on webkit we have mostly up to date web browsers on Haiku. They are also major contributor to cups (bringing printing to linux and bsd systems), and various other things. But there is never enough free software, right?

Back on topic: no, you can’t install a Linux kernel on Haiku. If you want Linux, just install that :slight_smile:

Last time I checked, the Linux kernel is included in the default install of Ubuntu, since it is a Linux distro. I’m not quite sure it belongs on that list.

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I meant, install Linux kernel as application. Actually, it would possible if operating system supports guest system in some virtualization layer out of the box.
Actually it would be nice to have on Haiku.

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How come it is not possible to install the Linux Kernel on Haiku?

For the same reason it’s not possible to install Haiku kernel on Linux. Or Windows. Or macOS. Or iOS. Or Android…

Why do you want to replace the native kernel of an OS to enforce another one that was never designed to support all the native OS features?

Yeah cause Haiku is not even popular, and it is only released as alpha, is there a team that is working 24/7?

Android does use the Linux kernel :slight_smile:

I absolutely don’t want to replace the native kernel. I want the native kernel installed as well as having the Linux kernel installed as a secondary kernel as well, if possible.

Your options then:

  • virtualization
  • emulation

Or you can develop an own, new way.

It seems that you desire an environment similar to Cooperative Linux ( ) which allows to run Linux natively on a Windows system without using emulation or virtualization.

The project seems to have been dormant for some time with the last release dating back to the Spring of 2011 based on a 2.6.x Linux kernel. The device drivers are essentially provided by the Windows host. CoLinux accesses the devices via an hardware emulation layer relying on Windows to do the actual I/O work.

There are merits to this approach given that Linux device drivers are not as commonly encountered as Windows (or OS X) ones.

However, it is difficult to envision advantages in running Linux cooperatively on Haiku which is what you seem to desire.

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And how should this be possible?

  1. Linux exists a lot of longer and have more developes and more developers for drivers and more drivers then Haiku. And I don’t see, that this will ever change.

  2. But assuming there comes the day, where the drivers of Haiku and Linux have equal quality, then Haiku is written in C++ and Linux in C. Isn’t C smaller and more performant then C++?

The reason why Haiku currently is so fast is, because it still don’t load so much backgroud-applications (on Linux: demons), which takes RAM and slowes down the system.

I wrote:

(with the same hardware support)

Haiku’s architecture is more organized and optimized. With the same level of hardware and software support Haiku always wins over Linux or Windows or MacOS. Haiku is based on BeOS, witch was and still is modern tech OS, and Linux, Windows and MacOS is based on older tech ideology, why is so bloated software there…
Haiku feels fast, because it uses preemptive multitasking, it is very modern thing.

…For OS architecture (how parts of OS are organized how they interact with each other and with user) programming language is secondary thing, you can rewrite Haiku in asembler and still Haiku would feel and work like Haiku (maybe only faster and more eficient).

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