I did a build with jit enabled, and it was noticeably faster (js speed increased 25x in tests). I can provide the package in hpkg format if you need it.
Yes, BeZilla is how the port used to be named back in Firefox 2 days. The same name can be reused, even if it comes from pre-firefox naming (“Mozilla Browser” used to be a thing a long time ago)
We can for sure change it, but it doesn’t mean we strictly have to. There are bunch of platforms that maintain their own port of Firefox browser while keep using the Firefox name (see Tier 3): Supported Build Hosts and Targets — Firefox Source Docs documentation. Most probably we would need to get a confirmation from Mozilla, but imho that shouldn’t be a big deal. From what I remember from their bug tracker they’re usually happy to support open-source communities efforts of porting Firefox to other platforms, and use the Firefox name as long as there’re no significant changes to the packaged features or the branding.
Personally I think that from the marketing perspective it’d be cool to keep the Firefox name. Thinking of news titles: “Haiku can now run Firefox browser”, “Firefox ported to Haiku” etc., and of the users who install Haiku, then go to HaikuDepot and look for Firefox. So we should at least give it a try and ask Mozilla about it.
p.s.: I’m not a lawyer and neither ChatGPT is, but nevertheless this gives some hints:
They have written guidelines for Mozilla Firefox named product.
We can redistribute unmodified version as Firefox as defined here. otherwrise we cannot distribute our build as Firefox as far as I understand.
We can request them we call our build Firefox, but
If you wish to distribute a modified version of Firefox or other Mozilla software with Mozilla trademarks please contact us with your request at trademark-permissions@mozilla.com.
I don’t think they want admit our premature pre-alpha quality verison as their supported product. So I think it is needed large part of patchsets are accepted by them first.
As engineers we both know what random generator is and why LLM is not a random generator (yes, I also don’t like all the LLM hype, but let’s stay professional).
I have published the build to my LOTE repository, you can add to the repository or just download the packages [1] [2] and install manually. Binary and package renamed to Nightly and used the icon for nightly build.