Problem with server certificates?

Hi, I haven’t been here for quite a while, but a couple of nights ago I came across a Youtube video of the latest Haiku which showed that Youtube was running. I got my old Haiku comp out and updated it to 5 and proceeded to boot Youtube, but alas to no avail!
I then tried a couple of the other browsers on offer and ended up with an error box stating, Server’s Certificate is not yet valid. Can anyone help, please.
A couple of other things I noticed, although I am not seeking any help, just commenting.
1: I tried two different USB Wireless adapters, both showed up and both showed my ISP, yet when I entered the password it told me it was incorrect!
2: Bluetooth picked up a device ( Philips over the ear headphones ) but wouldn’t pair up, said Command fail not valid name.
3: Was pleased to find my 3M ergonomic mouse scroll was working!
As always, any and all help greatly appreciated.


Your system clock may be set wrongly.
This could be the case if your bios battery is empty and your machine looses power in the meantime.

It sounds like the time is incorrect.
You can do a network time sync in the time preferences.

Thank you to both of you, that’s the exact problem. My Haiku comp had been sitting unused for a long time and I remember a warning message telling me when I turned it on that the battery was low, I’m waiting on one arriving in the post.
Again, thank you!