Post your Haiku screenshot!

Haiku running on my HP Pavilion 13 laptop with 16 cores.

USB wifi worked out of the box.




Nice one @Polli !


Now that I customized my setup some, here’s two more shots from my X220: one showing off some stuff running and one clean to show off my wallpaper!


Set up another bare metal install on an Asus Eee PC 1005 HAB. Almost all the hardware works right out of the box (WiFi, sound, trackpad, video; haven’t tested webcam yet).
Time for the obligatory screenshots!
With this, I have performed 3 bare metal installs so far!


Please add you hardware infos to our hardware report area: Hardware List: Complete Systems - #13 by LambdaCalculus


Cool. How did you set that up?

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Flat controllook
Haki Decorator

A dark color scheme was used for the panels.


I have been running Haiku for a couple of days on a USB stick (with persistance). After a short period of disorientation I have come to really appreciate the beauty and power of this operating sytem. I am been able to organize the the desktop and work flow in a way that fits some of the previous UI models I have spent time with, taking the cluster of buttons in the right-hand corner and putting them on a windows-like task bar at the bottom, with the deskbar as a kind of start button on the left, and buttons for in-use programs and 3 workspace buttons in the sytem try to the right. Above the task bar that I put 2 randomly-population panels (launchboxes) for frequently-used apps (which I will land on in the future after some quality time with the package store).

Overall this seems like an excellent starting place for the next life of this iMAC. It’s a late 2012 and Catalina is the last upgrade Apple will support. Haiku is the perfect use case for my perfectly good computer and I’m glad to be able to enjoy it for a few more year (and keep it out of landfill).

I hope the posted screen shot comes through.

Thanks to all the folks working on this fantastic project! A contribution will be coming soon.



let me be the next one with a lil screeny.

been running haiku now for about 2 weeks, trying to make it a valuable desktop.

this is the most fun ive had with an os in a while…


I never liked the idea to make Linux, BSD, or Haiku desktops look like proprietary Apple.
I strongly believe each open source OS should have its own unique look, and not imitate Apple or Windows.


I also like very big clocks.
I’d probably add a weather info app, too, though

please explain

Ow bugger :wink: (this was done on ZETA though) :wink:

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I prefer my tabs and windows arranged all on the top:

If only the tabs would not scale automatically.
And downloads would arrange to the left of the screen to reach them easily.

You know you can use multiple Desktops? :wink: I mostly have 6 Desktops available, each with their own purpose.

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@biglinter : Is there a specific reason you are using Konsole instead of the native Terminal application? Just curious… :wink:

yeah, i did not manage to get the powerline/airline glyphs working in the haiku terminal yet.

konsole just supports it as is. no extra config needed for that (other than the vimrc stuff)

additionally, in the haiku terminal i cannot remove/hide the scrollbar and i cannot hide the menubar.
at least not via the ui


Had some fun with an ice storm we had a couple weeks ago.