Outside of Haiku, what are you doing?

I’m back from vacations :slight_smile: it was nice to step back from all things tech, and just relax for some weeks. Now back to the usual schedule.

At least regarding SDR software, I’m on it. Slow process so far but yes, there is some.


I’m interested in the Gemini space, a network protocol for simple text transfers like the web in the early days. A Gemini website is simple and clean without any blinking banners or popup windows. A webiste is called “capsule” like the Gemini capsule from NASA. I was looking around for some interesting stuff and found: Haiku on Gemini.

Very nice. I publish a little blog in German in Gemini (gemini://mameko.ddns.net) and I really like the simplicity of this network.


A totally rainy day here today. Nothing to do outside.
I was bored and I checked my router after long time. I surprisingly found an unused Raspberry Pi, being idle for a year or so. :joy: in the network. I really forgot this machine and first had to search it in the living room, haha. I used it as a backup server but don’t need it anymore. And forgot it…
I don’t like lazy Raspberry Pies and searched for a new job for it. :smile:
Then I installed OpenWRT on it and now the Pi is a new VPN Router. Fast enough for surfing the web with one ot two laptops.


Chinese brown dog.
my good girl.


I got a new bike, it reminds me of someone


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gemini Protocol?

Today I got my AMIGA 500 Mini and I’m busy reminiscing about the old days :wink:



Fun times! I remember using my Amiga 1200 as my main machine for many years!


My first computer was 1988 an Amiga 500 with an external Floppy device and 512 kb extra RAM, so I had 1 MB RAM and was very proud. :rofl:
This was my only machine for many years.


For everyone who, like me, comes from the Amiga and likes the old games without having to set a lot in the emulator, I recommend this console. Thanks to the firmware update (easy to install), I was now able to load the ADF files (up to 3 drives at the moment). Mail is out asking for more drives (Historyline 8 Disks). Even the graphics are automatically upgraded so it looks good on my 109cm TV.

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Same here.

AMIGA with 14
Playstation One / Beside Amiga
PC for Websites and Games (From beginning testing other Systems like Linux, QNX, later BeOS).

Many old games coming from here or before on C64.

I feel conflicted haha, in my youth I was full-time Atari team. Had the 65XE and then 520STe, always lusted for a Falcon but, by that time it was clear x86 was the path forward. Anyway, TOS/GEM FTW!

Nowadays, to satisfy my vintage lust I’m toying with Apple PPC hardware: a 12" iBook G3, a 17" PowerBook G4, and a Performa 6360…


I just got one of these


I hear EmuTOS works really well on the Apollo 68080 core! It’s a pity it costs as much as a full production model PC to get a Vampire standalone. I run MorphOS on a Mac Mini G4 silent upgrade edition though.

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Said farewell yesterday to our lovely lady Lyra :cry:


Mijn condoleances, beste Luc


Wishing the memories of times shared can temper the sadness of the goodbye.

Sorry for your loss, Begasus.


So sorry to hear. I don’t think you can be prepared for the day your little doge goes to eternal sleep. Condolences to you and yours.

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Sorry for your loss @Begasus

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Sorry to hear that. My condolences :frowning:

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