New "Get Haiku" download graphic

Hmm, my eyesight isn’t the best, but with my glasses on, it’s alright (I thought). It doesn’t look bad to me… :nerd_face:

I did use the vector version, that I canvas-resized in WonderBrush. Then I “merged visible” layers, because the logo is in half a dozen layers that I think cannot be copy&pasted, to get a bitmap. Which is then used in the banner with no further resizing.

Maybe I don’t use Wonderbrush correctly, but I don’t think you can resize an object - even if it’s vector - without edges becoming more or less blurred. In Icon-O-Matic, you can activate a grid that lets you place vertices only on pixel boundaries. Is there an equivalent for WB?

I could use the “tiny” logo unresized, but that’s a bit smaller. Still good though? See:
compared to what’s up now:

When did the graphic originally, the stamp was a bitmap IIRC saying “alpha” and I didn’t want to recreate it. Also, I wanted the “Beta” to stand out more, extending over the edges of the “badge”. That’s not possible with a stamp.

BTW, I did a vertical version of it as well, if people want to but it on their website:

GET%20HAIKU%20-%20orange%20-%20download%20vertical%20box%20beta GET%20HAIKU%20-%20blue%20-%20download%20vertical%20box%20beta

I (or anyone) can do more colours if needed. Shall I put it on GitHub - haiku/artwork: Artwork for Haiku ?