My progress in Wayland compatibility layer

Webkit-gtk successfully built and works fine under Haiku x86 (32bit).

PS: clang rules!


I get these warnings too, but the theme gets applied anyway.
Try renaming the folder to just Haiku (case sensitive), you need the whole folder not just the ā€œgtk-3.0ā€ subfolder.

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Mind sharing your recipe (or did you change cmd:gcc with cmd:clang in there)?

I will post an updated recipe today on haikuports.

Actually to switch to using clang you need to add in dependencies: cmd:clang >= 12, gcc_syslibs, gcc_syslibs_devel, libllvm_12 and set environment variables CC="/bin/clang" and CXX="/bin/clang++" before configure.


I made it, thank you very much for you guidance. It was indeed the name of the theme that caused these troubles.

The only thing is that gtk3-demo and Inkscape do not use the Haiku theme and
Claws Mail and Epiphany look a bit ugly.
Is it how it is supposed to be or is there something wrong with the theme?


Maybe related? bluefish, new recipe by Begasus Ā· Pull Request #7435 Ā· haikuports/haikuports Ā· GitHub

Some apps indeed donā€™t use the theme unless they"re ran from terminal, i donā€™t know why that is, the gnome apps look weird even in linux, you can disable that extra yellow toolbar by commenting (multi-line style) the whole ā€œheaderbarā€ section in the gtk-3.0 file from line 1528 up to including line 1611.
You can make other tweaks, the changes take effect immediately.

@khallebal @3dEyes already commented on that issue when I was in the progress of creating the recipe for BlueFish, you can find it in the last comment I gave here. :wink:

Yeah, i totally forgot the XDG thing.

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Just installed webkit-gtk, MiniBrowser crashes when trying to load a page:

display: 0x18afa938
client: 0x18afa8b8

(<unknown>:1034): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 09:01:39.756: Failed to create file monitor for /boot/home/config/settings/glib-2.0/settings/keyfile: Kon de standaard ā€˜file monitor typeā€™ niet vinden

** (MiniBrowser:951): WARNING **: 09:01:42.565: WebProcess CRASHED

Iā€™ve updated to the latest nightly today (hrev56609) and all wayland based apps (Epiphany, LRRH, Claws, Inkscape and GIMP) crash being unable to find a path related to gdk_pixbuf.
They seem to look for 2.42.9-2 instead of 2.42.9-3.
I tried to revert back to the previous hrev 56595 and they worked until I rebooted again.
I tried to fix this by removing all packages and reinstalling them to no avail.
Has anyone got the same issue?


I solved in the end by uninstalling wayland and all its dependencies. Something went wrong after my previous attempt. The second one succedeed, indeed.

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Did you reboot in between uninstalling and reinstalling wayland? I did an uninstall/reinstall without rebooting and still get a crash. Havenā€™t tried restarting the system yet.

edit: this seems to have made no difference

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I uploaded my crash report here, Iā€™m not smart enough to understand exactly where things are going sideways.

Edit: the fix for me was reinstalling gdk_pixbuf

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I can confirm the same issue. Uninstalling wayland and gdk_pixbuf and then reinstalling them seems to work.


Yes several times. Iā€™d suggest to remove the packages (namely wayland) by manually deleting the files in /system/packages then checking their presence in /system/packages/administrative/activated-packages

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See the pixmap script issue in the following bug report (GTK apps crash gtk_icon_helper assertion (both GIMP and Epiphany) on a particular box. Ā· Issue #7477 Ā· haikuports/haikuports Ā· GitHub). Rerunning the post install script fixes the configuration issues.


For reasons I do not understand, the postinstall script does not run every time a package is installed/updated. This seems to be a problem with the Haikuā€™s package manager.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Worker (file manager)

I implemented proper Wayland global object handling and added support of multiple clients. Multiple clients is needed for GTK 4 inspector that is now working.

Source code: introduce and use WlGlobal, support multiple clients Ā· X547/wayland-server@10647e7 Ā· GitHub