My progress in Wayland compatibility layer

Ryzen 5 5600. Realtek ALC 897 (audio - working). Realtek RTL8111H 1Gb Ethernet (working).

I have Haiku on USB thumb drive. This is best way for Haiku nightly builds because I can test and use on multiple systems with different hardware and if networking stops or breaks on one computer I can test or use on another system with a different network card.


Agreed. Just asking because i built a Ryzen system for my wife and haven’t checked it yet. Thanks.

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The latest update rocks! Epiphany now shows all icons and YouTube actually plays, albeit a little laggy. Nice work!


Why is it so important playing Youtube videos in the browser ?
I’ve seen in many posts as one reason why pain in the ass to use the just mentioned browser on Haiku.-- watching Youtube videios 

As I’ve seen the VLC is on the latest version in Haiku Depot - it can play videos with their URL if you replaced youtube.luac file for the latest version available on VideoLAN/VLC github page :

Because that and Netflix/Spotify etc is something that you expect just works in a modern browser.


@3dEyes pushed quite some changes in the last days, this made it possible to run gtk apps even on 32bit! Big thanks there!!! :ok_hand:


Even if the VLC port were more polished, it gets quite tedious to copy-paste URLs from the browser to VLC if you want to watch more than one video. It’s also an indicator of wider compatibility issues. The solution for Youtube may not work for other websites.


It won’t solve the problem but maybe using Clipdinger could help with the copy/paste thing?

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Distortion of perception: this is a common complaint by people who do reviews of Haiku on Youtube.

Similarly, an ArsTechnica review (in text) complained that the Arstechnica website was not working correctly in Haiku.

These video reviews get a lot of views themselves, and people who view them are also Youtube users so they think this is very important.

Also, the videos kind of work, we have some screenshots showing that even, but it is very slow and unstable. Maybe it would be better if we had a clear “sorry, this is not supported, find some other way”. But we are in a state where it seems so close to being possible, people will try it and be disappointed.

Of course the best solution would be for someone to actually make it work :smiley: then people will find another thing to complain about and explain why they can’t switch to Haiku. Before it was Youtube, it was LibreOffice, until we got that working. What’s next, probably 3D acceleration?


But it would be fewer and fewer :slight_smile:

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YouTube deliberately breaks on 3rd party browser’s, it’s not just webpositive. has anyone tested with bitchute, rumble etc ???

I’m inclined to try Fusion360 in the browser, I’ll let ya know what happens

3d hardware would be next in line obviously.

afaict tell, the train departed the station in 1988, haiku couldn’t even wake up until 2009, and that train accelerated steadily for 25 yrs, and haiku still hadn’t left the engine house.

to catch up to commercial operating systems at the point, not viable without massive funding.

I wrote the ugly code in WebPositive and I can tell you the breakage here is not at all Youtube’s fault. The video support is a hack I wrote in 30 minutes 7 years ago and was barely touched since. It does not even try to properly use the media kit, it is inefficient, it doesn’t support seeking, it downloads the whole video to RAM before it starts playing, and while doing so it freezes the whole browser.

Youtube really just needs basic support for HTML5 video. They can have a lot of extra things if you support them in Javascript, but it degrades reasonably well if you don’t.


With the recent changes and additions BlueFish is now available in the depot. :ok_hand:
Kudos to @3dEyes for the patch!


sounds like a super simple problem to solve, just write a bunch of code that’s perfect.


on another note, would it be easier to maybe write a standalone YouTube app that’s built in WebKit so it can be used as a plugin or sorts later ??? or at least to flesh out the code without breaking webpositive in the interim

something like a standalone app is a good bridge

There is also Qmplay2, play’s youtube videos fine from what I’ve checked. :wink:

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Sure, if someone adds plugins support to WebPositive? But if someone digs into that, why would they write a plugin system AND a plugin, when they can just add their video playing code into WebKit?


i was suggesting lnking to that standalone app, at least as a short term solution. YouTube isn’t a blocker for me personally, my Tvs all have the spp.

webkit-gtk was broken on 32bit buildmaster, on 64bit buildmaster it seems to have halted? (no progress since I looked this morning)

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How much RAM and how mamy cores? It took 4 hours to build WebKit-GTK on my i7 using a 10 threaded GnuMake Makefile on an 8 threaded CPU. Now the recipe uses Ninja Build because GnuMake didn’t throttle the threads because of memory. (Thanks @waddlesplash !)

Thanks . I see, everyone who uses Haiku for whatever reason, activity or program/application they wants to scratch that itching for them 8D

Anyway - imagine :
I write this post from within Haiku for the first time as Haiku R1B4RC0 gcc2 hybrid Live JUST works with WIFI STABLE !! - on DELL PRECISION 6700M workstation grade laptop.

A Big THANK YOU Folks !!

There is a plenry space to do TEST install on this 16 GB flash drive on unused place. I will check later x86_64 as well with a 128 GB card that still contains Beta3 image.
Of course I will fill out reports too

I can finally learn Haiku to be familiar with a lot better.

I must accomodate to ALT until I nhad not set to CTRL if I find it too confusing :wink:

Now I installed VLC and mounted RO a 2.0 TB NTFS drive that was reported failure in an USB case it was delivered as a product and recently sh*t happened when a Live disk tested (Not Haiku) !! :)) ) 

Finally it turned out - just as I built in this laptop as secondary HDD - it WORKS 
 so no data loss4

( I hate that – :(( - once I need a massive NAS again )

KitsunePrefecture is in good mode now 
 Life is NICE ! 8D