My progress in Wayland compatibility layer

I can confirm the same issue. Uninstalling wayland and gdk_pixbuf and then reinstalling them seems to work.


Yes several times. I’d suggest to remove the packages (namely wayland) by manually deleting the files in /system/packages then checking their presence in /system/packages/administrative/activated-packages

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See the pixmap script issue in the following bug report (GTK apps crash gtk_icon_helper assertion (both GIMP and Epiphany) on a particular box. · Issue #7477 · haikuports/haikuports · GitHub). Rerunning the post install script fixes the configuration issues.


For reasons I do not understand, the postinstall script does not run every time a package is installed/updated. This seems to be a problem with the Haiku’s package manager.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Worker (file manager)

I implemented proper Wayland global object handling and added support of multiple clients. Multiple clients is needed for GTK 4 inspector that is now working.

Source code: introduce and use WlGlobal, support multiple clients · X547/wayland-server@10647e7 · GitHub


Super hot!

On a different note and not necessarily relevant to this topic.

How hard would it be to develop a Haiku GTK theme to help get Haiku GTK apps at least looking more at home?

Found two themes at

There is also the link to GitHub repo.

Maybe it is somehow useful.

Should be possible for GTK3 apps, but it would be much harder for GTK4 applications that use libadwaita; that is, if not totally impossible for libadwaita apps to be themed close enough for Haiku integration (button style, scrollbar style, etc.).

It seems to me that libadwaita would be far easier?

I have already done some work with gtk4 and libadwaita.
Some progress:




If i’m not mistaking libadwaita is used in both GTK’s, one of its purposes (if not the only one) is give gtk apps a default theme if no specific themes are not used, it’s basically the c/c++ (non css) version of the adwaita theme.

Nope, libadwaita is used only in GTK4. It is a platform library (GNOME platform for this one) that gives custom widgets for applications to use designed around the Adwaita theme, on top of what base GTK4 provides.

The first image, does that use libadwaita or just GTK4?

It’s standard GTK4 demo


Awesome work!

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Finally having Haiku running on hardware, and it is great to see how great GTK is working and that there is a great working browser!

I, of course, hope for native browser working just as good, but limited development resources, this is awesome :clap:


Finally I was able to try the new applications that use the compatibility layer on bare metal, and the experience is simply breathtaking. Browsing without worries about crashing and stalling is simply awesome. After a long time, the OS feels snappier too!


I managed to run Qt6 with Wayland backend. Qt Wayland backend is compiled on Haiku with almost no changes. It currently have some trouble with decorations and input, but seems not hard so fix.

Used Qt Wayland backend source code: GitHub - qt/qtwayland: A toolbox for making Qt based Wayland compositors.


Just for experimentation, I guess? The native QPA will doubtless be better integrated with the rest of the OS.

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