My progress at porting Ladybird, the SerenityOS Browser

They could have really communicated that more clearly in the Readme.
I thought that both projects accept contributions,but go into slightly different directions.
Well,I’m now cloning the other Ladybird repo and will try if that one also works with my patches or if additional work is required.
Maybe you can still try to send the patches to SerenityOS,I guess it’s worth a try at least?

Frankly that remains to be seen I think the whole situation is kind of half hatched to begin with…

Just had a bit of a talk with SerenityOS contributors, they said that they won’t accept Haiku support patches but recommended sending them to the Ladybird folks instead.

I’m already starting to love the new Ladybird :roll_eyes:
Even on FreeBSD it does now throw errors,but that was fairly simple,only changing two MacOS ifdefs to catch all BSDs.
Then,on OpenIndiana,I’m stuck with one of the new dependencies not being in the repository at all,so I guess I’ll do that one at the end.
On Haiku the dependencies are there,but so are tons of new errors.
Firstly the same one as on FreeBSD,also easy to fix here,but now I’m blown away by a big wall of errors on different places,partially related to ICU.
Hell,why do they think it’s a good idea to require ICU and other stuff now?
It’s only two weeks of being independent from Serenity and so many major changes already.
We’ll see if I manage to make that all work.

Edit: @win8linux are you also interested in sending patches for other OSes to upstream or only Haiku?
FreeBSD is already done here on my computer and keeping it private would somehow be a waste of time for me.


I’m fine with sending patches for other OSes, if you have them.


27 posts were split to a new topic: ICU in Haiku

As a Haiku user - and web browser gatherer :slight_smile: - I take it interestingly as a good news that Ladybird development has a recap …


when we can put hands on ?
can we upgrade it on Beta4 ?


( I play over the hurrily expectations ! ;-)) )

These changes that you have mentioned, will it be updated in the Haikudepot? If I download Ladybird from Haikudepot, will it havethese changes that you have mentioned above?
Last time I tried Ladybird, it used to crash at random, hang up

It is unlikely that the new Ladybird update will appear in the Depot anytime soon,since it requires functions that,I think,are only available in the Nightly version currently,such as arc4random_buf()
You can,however,clone the Ladybird git repo and compile it yourself after my changes are merged.
Beware that Ladybird is still alpha software and will still crash from time to time,but the websites render a lot more correct now compared to the outdated version in the HaikuDepot,so it’s still worth the effort.

I have yet already managed to completely compile and run the new Ladybird from the forked repo.
I only need to do some cleanup,put my changes into commits and then you can give it a try.
Expect 2 or 3 hours,something like that.


Thanks for your efforts and reply :slight_smile:

The patches for the new Ladybird browser are now ready!
It has the same issue as the one from the SerenityOS repo that only one tab does work,but otherwise it works good.
cc @win8linux


Aside from all this ICU talk, how is the process progressing? :wink:


Not much yet, since I’ve been busy for the last week and recently gotten rather sick. So, I haven’t been able to check the patches from @nipos yet unfortunately. Body willing, maybe I’ll be able to review patches for submission to upstream in a couple days.


Thanks on the notice! Hope you feel well soon, take your time, no pressure :+1:

Let me know if everything works as it should or if patches need to be adjusted to new changes from upstream :slight_smile:

Ahoy @win8linux ,

Thanks for the update :slight_smile:
Have a rest to be well !

Why not concatenate all patches into one like it is done in HaikuPorts?

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Git automatically creates multiple files when running git format-patch.
I guess they could be merged into one file while still keeping it separated into commits,but I didn’t bother to try.

I’m very sorry for going off-topic again,now that the ICU stuff was finally split into it’s own topic,but regarding the HaikuPorts patchset stuff…
I find it overly complicated to work with it,doing minimal changes and porting it to the next version.
I also regularly contribute to the OpenIndiana package repository and there we have a patches folder for each package and you can put patches for different things in different files which are smaller and easier to maintain.
Patches are generated using GNU diff and applied using GNU patch.
See here for an example: oi-userland/components/web/librewolf at oi/hipster · OpenIndiana/oi-userland · GitHub
(Just to showcase that as example,I don’t want to start a war over the best patch format here)

You can use git format-patch --stdout > patchset.diff to produce single patchset file. It still preserve individual commits.