More frequent releases

Ship it? :slight_smile:


The critical issue looks like no one has agreed with you on merging patch into nightlies. I vote go for it, but Iā€™m just a lurker.

Iā€™m still working in the critical issue here. Iā€™ll have a new patch set soon as Iā€™ve managed to get one more Tracker Edit name bug fixed last night. However I discovered another bug so I gotta fix that one now. If someone could test my patch set to verify that text views and especially Tracker Edit name works on their system I would appreciate it.

How much time do I have before beta 3? Am I holding up the release yet?


Well, I fixed the last beta2 blocker, you can fix the last beta3 one ;ļ»æ)

I am happy to test your change, I had asked in IRC before, what exactly do you want to have verified? Only edit name on desktop and list view+icon view or more stuff?

Better wait for your fix because it is a very visible one.
Nice to know we are close to a release now.
I am very exited.
So much work was done since Beta 2ā€¦

@scipione, there is another regression here. Just FYI, maybe itā€™s something easy to fix.

August 18th (Haikuā€™s 20th anniversary) would be the great date for the Beta 3 release.


has anyone considered a bug or feature patreon account.

Say a port of jack 2, on a monthly patreon, or 3d acceleration, of say critical bugs.

i havenā€™t been in a position to donate to haiku for sometime, but thatā€™s changing.

For me, Haiku needs to replace windows and linux

I need linux cnc, Iā€™d love a haiku port, and a native gui.

i know the bounty system had flaws, but a patreon type of system that allows users to pay for a developer to work on a feature, with a given time commitment to maoe donations etc would probably be huge and offer enough stability to atteact quality freelancers.

Imagine if 1000 people donated $10 a month for 3d acceleration for 12m period.

Iā€™m saying that part of the funding issue is that, users donā€™t always agree with the projects.

the side benefits of a patreon development setup with users choosing to fund specifix projects would be that.

Haiku inc could host the patreon type system and take 5% for management of the projects and put that towards hiring a release manager.

thereā€™s thousands of us who would donate if the price wasnā€™t crazy high and we could have a say in what priorities we have and want handled.

just saying

I find this art of discussion inefficient.
This forum have plenty similar topics where the same ideas resurfaced earlier. It would be great if you could check what was the public and the developer opinion so far regarding this kind of crowdfounding. Obviously the time runs, opinions, employment status and own milestones changes, doors opens and closes, but still it would be great if we dont have to walk in circles and make the same discussions over and over again. You could use the search function, collect the opinions from the similar previous topics and write a post about the results of your research.


We are on bountysource and we have been there for 10 years. We have collected a total of 20$. The corresponding bug was fixed and the developer who fixed it did not even collect the money.

Thatā€™s the success of bounties in Haiku.

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i wasnā€™t suggesting bountyā€™s, i was suggesting, find a developer who wants to do x y z, start a patreon type, set a goal of monthly donations. no work begins until thereā€™s enough donors for x period.

set clear concise goals


Before branching off for Beta 3, Iā€™d personally like to see awaiting UI related patches merged, in order to test them extensively.

If it hasnā€™t already been done, it would be nice if the installer handled the UEFI/EFI installation, also. That would probably be helpful for a lot of people.

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It would need a lot of work. Adding boot entries to NVRAM needs a driver and a lot of verification. So unlikely that it will be done soon.

All I do is create a small-ish FAT32 partition and copy the EFI stuff from the install media over to it.

Yes, but you are not following UEFI boot specifications when you do that. BOOTXXX.EFI type is not intended to be used more than one off boots.

I like to live dangerously.

As long as itā€™s, you know, not too dangerous.

Do we want to market this job opening once itā€™s ready? Iā€™d be glad to put together media alerts, press release, social media, etc.

I donā€™t think you need to worry about giving off that impression. Open-source people care about active projects ā€“ they understand things need fixing and are often beta. Particularly people with programming experience. Weā€™re not going to pick up mom and dad on releases until Haiku is as pretty as a Mac. In the interim, showing that itā€™s worth putting your time into and isnā€™t going to die tomorrow is a better messaging investment.

Ubuntu had good results showing their stability and commitment with regular six-month releases. When they missed 6.04 and had to make it 6.06, it was a big deal and concerned a lot of people. That they havenā€™t done it again in 15 years shows that people like it. And honestly, most Ubuntu releases are highly, highly incremental. We donā€™t need to be Microsoft with huge versions every three years ā€“ showing weā€™re active is good enough for now.

We have a draft release ready that just needs the release date and maybe a quote from a dev.

Just FYI, thatā€™s what the EFI guide says to doā€¦ Does this need updating? Itā€™s how I handle all my installs, including bare metal. UEFI Booting Haiku | Haiku Project

When you are in beta, new beta releases are expected to close tickets towards the R1 goal. It is not the case for Haiku. New features and fixes are being added, but the goal of R1 still stands.

If you keep making new beta releases but not advancing towards the R1 release goal, at some point people will stop taking Haiku seriously. Being a pre-release system for 20 years, it is close to that point, and releasing betaX will not help get past that.

It is also hard to market new ā€œbetaā€ releases. Once you can slap the R1 label, it will be much easier to market new features and fixes, and attract new developers easily, since youā€™ll be able to showcase a ā€œreleaseā€.

Maybe in 10 years Haiku, Inc. guys will finally step up and hire a developer to close the remaining tickets.


Patreon is in the business of censoring games, thatā€™s a big no for me.
I also fail to see how such a crowdfunded source is supposed to generate more free time to work on Haiku, many Haiku devs simply have a day job, and quiting that to work on haiku more isnā€™t feasible with such a funding model.