I live in Preston UK, and University Of Central Lancashire has a big Linux lab and lots of Linux and Unix development graduates and students.
Is there some form of marketing materials I can have and talk my friends that work at the university into encouraging sudents, lecturers and graduates to contribute their time and talents to the Haiku Project?
I can’t find anything on this website, but I did hear someone talk of a up dated poster.
You may want to send a message to this ML http://www.freelists.org/list/haiku-marcom
or to this one http://www.freelists.org/list/openbeos
There are some flyers and posters at http://haiku-files.org/artwork/
Unfortunately none of the download links seem to work - hopefully Urias or someone who knows more than me will pick up on this note and get them fixed…
Hmm… I actually didn’t even know that page existed.
Looks like it’s basically a mirror of the page Koki had up for a while, and then removed.
I have a full mirror of this content on my machine at home, and thus I could probably re-create it, but I don’t have access to modify the content on haiku-files.org directly at the moment.