Making Haiku Free Software

[quote=drcouzelis]But… That’s silly. Then it wouldn’t be the FSF. You’re basically saying “The people that promote the idea that non-free software is never the right solution should acknowledge that sometimes non-free software is the right solution”. See? Silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

In their opinion (and mine), proprietary drivers are never necessary, which means either actively choose to buy only hardware that supports free software or don’t use it.[/quote]
But there’s a difference between saying that all software should be free, and saying that nobody should use any software that isn’t. The fact is, you can’t just make all software free (at least at present,) and there isn’t an infinite supply of manpower and time to develop suitable free alternatives to every piece of non-free software.

It’s easy to say “well, don’t buy non-open hardware then,” but not everybody has the time and energy or financial means to do that. We’ve already talked about the idea of re-purposing computers to reduce e-waste, and it’s also a big money-saver for people without the budget to buy a decent new rig (and there are a lot of them, especially given current economic conditions.) If those re-purposed computers aren’t completely built of free-software-friendly components, would you really have them be rendered unusable just for the sake of ideological purity?

Isn’t that basically what I’ve been saying?

Are you asking me personally? I’m just participating in this thread to help prevent the spread of misinformation about the beliefs of th FSF. I apologize if it appeared otherwise. :frowning:

For anyone that doesn’t know how the FSF would respond to this question:

Choosing to use only free software would not render a computer unusable. An operating system that contains only free software will run on most, if not all, personal computers.

The computer may not have hardware accelerated graphics, which means it won’t be able to have display drop shadow effects or play some video games, but nothing that I would consider making the computer unusable.

The computer may not have wireless internet, which means it would need to be used with a wired ethernet connection. In the case where this isn’t possible, a USB wifi adapter can be used, which is far from being expensive and, either way, does not make the computer unusable.

The same goes for any other hardware that isn’t currently supported by free software. Replace the one piece of hardware that is incompatible, or continue to use it but with limited functionality, or consider that it may not be as “essential” as you think it is. These may be inconveniences, but the FSF teaches that giving up your freedom for convenience is never worth it. (And yes, commodorejohn, I know that you don’t agree with this, and I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind.) :slight_smile:

…In regards to software (instead of hardware), the answer is similar, but I’d be happy to answer any questions about that as well.

Isn’t that basically what I’ve been saying?[/quote]

Yes, you have, but quotes like this:

…make that point hard for me to understand. I just wanted to make it clear, in case anyone else was having difficulty understanding what you meant.

It’d be nice if they’d acknowledge that sometimes proprietary drivers are necessary, until free alternatives catch up with them.[/quote]
No, they suggest that you use hardware for which there are open source drivers.

Yes, and if you are in need of running this particular legacy hardware you will have to manually download a proprietary driver, just like you would on Windows.

On the other hand, Linux supports a ton of legacy hardware right out of the box by virtue of open source drivers in the kernel tree.

And unlike with Windows, where lots of proprietary legacy drivers stop working between major revisions, thus making your legacy hardware unuseable, the Linux kernel devs will keep the in-tree drivers up and running against changes made in newer versions of the kernel, they can do this because they have the source code available so that they can make the appropriate necessary changes.

Who are? FSF? Obviously they will advocate the use of free software over proprietary. You on the other hand choose what’s best for you, if you find that a distro is ‘making you jump throgh hoops’ because it requires you to manually enable a repo then by all means don’t use it.

Now i don’t really want to get caught up in the FSF vs Proprietary software argument really ( though just posting here means i’ve done just that…) but Haiku is in a unique position compared to “GNU/Linux”.

GNU, as an OS, is designed to be compatible with UNIX. Its not designed to be binary compatible with any existing OS, just source compatible with UNIX-likes. Because the whole ABI is controlled by the developers, they have a lot of freedom to push their ideologies, ie no proprietary software. To even release software for GNU HURD and GNU/Linux at the same time would most likely involve a dedicated port for each. Binaries for the Linux kernel won’t run on HURD.

Haiku OTOH is trying to be binary compatible with an entire proprietary OS. BeOS’ biggest legacy was the plethora (compared to GNU HURD for example) of software, most of it being proprietary or abandoned, some of which does not have any FOSS alternatives. As such any binaries for BeOS should work perfectly fine in Haiku without modification, be it drivers or applications, even if Haiku ships with its own FOSS drivers and applications.

Haiku is of course, almost completely licensed under the MIT license, which is permissive. You can do anything you like with the code, ANYTHING. This means you can even fork the software and create a proprietary OS if you like ( think OS X) or of course, give back to the community. Its your call. IMHO this makes the MIT license much “freer” than the GPL.

Kia ora koutou

I don’t really want to get drawn into the GPL vs BSD debate. As I said in my original post, relicensing is not required, as long as all the essential code is under BSD/MIT licenses that meets the Free Software Definition (not “advertising clause” etc).

he FSF are primarily concerned with two things. User freedom and developer freedom. Their ideal is that everybody who uses a computer can be both, thanks to the availability of source code, but experience shows that protecting user/developer freedom requires more than that. Even Stallman agrees that we sometimes need to compromise, but he also points out that every compromise must be temporary, and in a service of our long term goal of being able (althugh not obliged) to use 100% free software for all computing tasks:

The FSF endorsement list is intended to show that 100% free software stacks are technically possible, and they exist. Making them more usable, on more hardware, is an ongoing technical and political challenge, part of which involves convincing hardware manufacturers that user freedom matters, and that users care about it.

Because I care about user freedom, I’ve been increasingly a GNU/Linux user since 2007, and I’ve helped hundreds of people learn how to use it, mainly using Ubuntu. Ubuntu used to be great but has become a bloated hulk, with a terrible user interface, and built-in Canonical spyware (“UbuntuOne”) that hijacks the good name the Ubuntu Foundation has built up. After setting up UbuntuOne because it came as part of Ubuntu, I find out the server-side software is proprietary, I’m furious. I feel betrayed, and manipulated into making a compromise without informed consent. So now I’m now looking for another free code OS to champion.

The reason I join the forums and made the original post is that I really like Haiku, and I’m impressed with what you’ve already achieved in terms of usability. I’ve blogged on this here:

If Haiku R1 was endorsed by the FSF, I would very likely recommend it over Ubuntu, and other newbie-orientated GNU/Linux distros which FSF does not endorse. If a FSF-endorsed Haiku R1 had hardware support as good or better than any of the FSF-endorsed GNU/ Linux, I would very likely recommend it over any distro.

I am planning to set up a co-operative business selling hardware with free code OS preinstalled. I would like to be able to sell a free gaming console like the OUYA, portable media players, specialised boxes for audio production and video editing etc. Haiku may be as good or better than GNU/Linux for any or all of these functions, but everything we sell will contain only software endorsed by the FSF.

Ryan Leavengood wrote:

I appreciate what the FSF has accomplished and I agree with many of their ideas, but they are also clearly not pragmatic. Their list of “unendorsed” Linux distros is a laundry list of all the most popular distros… I think when one looks at the real world people tend to give back on their own volition when dealing with open source software, and they don’t need a draconian license to force them to do so (please don’t try to argue that the GPL is not draconian, it is.) <<

With all due respect Ryan, I’m not sure what “real world” you’re talking about. In the real world Cisco built a business on selling hardware running the Linux kernel. They did this because it’s much cheaper that paying developers to create a new kernel from scratch, or even to maintain it. Recently, Cisco pushed out a firmware upgrade which, without your permission, turns the Cisco router you bought and paid for into a dumb terminal for their cloud service, forcing you to use that service. That’s my definition of draconian, and I think it’s totally pragmatic to protect people from that sort of behaviour. GPLv3 is one pragmatic tool that can be used to do that.

This is the risk that “permissive” (ie weak) free software licenses open users up to. Yes it encourages companies to adopt your software. It encourages companies with no ethics, who will use your software without giving back, and use it to imprison their users, as Cisco tried to do with that firmware rollout. Cisco were eventually shamed into backing down by a massive public backlash, which implies that people do actually care about their user freedoms, and demonstrates the importance of the work that groups like the FSF do.

I see no reason to support Haiku, or encourage people to use it, if it opens them up to being assimilated by corporate Borg. Of course, being endorsed by the FSF doesn’t stop corporations being evil with your software, but it does guarantee that users have a key to any prison cell those corporations might try to build with it.


It is very difficult not to use binary blobs for hardware unless one manufacturers the system from the ground up and ensures only openly documented hardware is used in the system. Ideally a “HaikuBox” would be such a thing, but right now we have to deal with the hardware that people have, and that means binary blobs for firmware, primarily wireless cards. <<

You do not have to use binary blobs for this, nor make support for such hardware part of the core OS. There are other ways to make unavoidable proprietary drivers etc available as a temporary measure, until free code drivers can be written. As I understand it, the FSF asks that proprietary code not be included in the official version, nor offered by the installer. If Haiku R1 was endorsed by the FSF, I would encourage all the free software developers I come in contact with to support it, write native drivers for it, develop applications on it, and make distros of it. I suspect you would attract many talented free software developers to work on the core system, who currently feel frustrated and crowded working under the benevolent dictatorship of Torvalds or the GNU project.


As for the license, Michael Phipps specifically chose MIT when he started the project so that Haiku could be more commercial friendly. Maybe a GPL expert would argue that the GPL does not hurt commercial software, but I don’t think that is the common perception. <<

Phipp’s belief that using an MIT/BSd style license would encourage more commercial use of Haiku may have made sense at the time, but the evidence makes it clear that he was wrong. Even at the time, I’d wager there were more commercially-supported server packages run on Linux than BSD. Now we can see consumer hardware shipping with Linux-based OS like Ubuntu, and especially Android. When you factor in the millions of uncounted users who install GNU/Linux on their newly bought Windows desktop/ laptop, or a second-hand one, the market for computers shipped with GNU/Linux is obviously much greater than the availability.

I will happily commercialise Haiku if it achieves FSF endorsement, and I suspect there are many others who would do the same. So you now have the same reason to seek FSF endorsement as Phipps thought he did not to use GPL. I’m sure FSF would work constructively with you to come up with a roadmap for getting there.

Note: As an old hand at reconditioning second-hand computer equipment with free code OS, I would even advocate a carefully considered weakening of the endorsement standards, in recognition of the fact that not everybody gets to choose what hardware they use. I do advocate allowing distros to help newbie users install proprietary software where there is no free code alternative, provided:
a) the proprietary code is a separate package, in a separate repository
b) proprietary packages are added after-the-fact, not during installation
c) the installation of the proprietary packages warns people about the possible impacts of their freedom of using proprietary code
d) the system is set up to automatically replace proprietary code with free code as it becomes available and stable enough for production systems

Ma te wā

I don’t understand this fanatism about free software. User need programs that can do what he need. User don’t need abstract “freedom”. Most users don’t care free software they use or not. Actually, restricting installing proprietary software limit user and developer freedom. User want high-quality software and developer want money for this.

More, Haiku has much more freedom, than Linux. Windows and Haiku have binary compatability. This mean that I can install 10 years old program and run it without problems. With Linux I can install programs only from repository.

Also Linux forbid independent developers. All programs need to be added in repository before it will be avalible for user. Haiku is able to run all applications including applications from independed developers and proprietary software. With Linux this is impossible becouse of ideology and constant binary compatability breaking.

I like BSD license. In Haiku is a place for open and closed programs. I think the users want it.

A BSD advocate sees a derived work as his project being used by another project. The derived project is wholly owned by whoever wrote it, even if it uses other people’s code. This is similar to the property laws of the real world. For example, suppose I sit on the curb and give away free lemons. A kid next door might get the bright idea to get my lemons, make lemonade, and sell it. The lemonade is clearly a “derived work”, since it is made from my lemons, but it is absurd to suggest I have any right to tell him what price to put on his lemonade or how much sugar he can use in it. By the laws of private property in the real world, my ownership was relinquished at the time when I handed him my lemons. Just as I do not own his lemonade, neither do I own the derived works he makes from my BSD-licensed software. - good article.

I agree, free software fanatism is funny, and that most people don’t care about it. :slight_smile:

People make money writing free software and writing non-free software. We are talking about software freedom as defined by the FSF. Have you read “The Free Software Definition”?

[quote=X512]More, Haiku has much more freedom, than Linux. Windows and Haiku have binary compatability. This mean that I can install 10 years old program and run it without problems. With Linux I can install programs only from repository.

Also Linux forbid independent developers. All programs need to be added in repository before it will be avalible for user. Haiku is able to run all applications including applications from independed developers and proprietary software. With Linux this is impossible becouse of ideology and constant binary compatability breaking.[/quote]
That doesn’t make sense. Of course I can install software in Linux without using a repository!


Wow, that’s a long post! :wink:

I think your request to make Haiku endorsed by the FSF is understandable. Even though I’m not a Haiku developer, I don’t think they will accept your request.

The primary goals of Haiku involve making a desktop operating system that is easy to use by everyone, and making it open source software so it can’t die in a way like BeOS did. In respect to these goals, the Haiku developers are doing extremely well.

This makes me sad. Haiku is at least as free as most Linux distributions. Which Linux distributions do you currently use and encourage? (I apologize if you already answered this)

Anyway, even though Haiku is not endorsed by the FSF, Haiku is 100% open source software. If for some crazy I-don’t-know-how reason Haiku becomes closed source software, the community would still have the most recent copy of the open source version of Haiku to use and continue developing.

Haiku is free but nothing will ever please the FSF which is just a bunch of fanatics: they don’t even consider Debian (which is also fanatic enough about free software) Free. And for BSD, it is utterly comic: BSD provide “instructions for obtaining nonfree programs”, so the FSF won’t endorse BSD systems.

The best is the FSF documents are not even Free themselves:

"This page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License. "

Really, Haiku doesn’t need support from something such as the FSF.

I think all the posts trying to push Haiku to joining the FSF prove my case about how some Linux people (not all) wanting to make Haiku into another Linux. Despite multiple people all saying they like the direction Haiku is going at present we see post after post pushing against what Haiku users want.

Added on are vague claims that if someone takes the code and does something commercial and/or closed source somehow the users are damaged. How we are damaged when we still have our original OS and still can modify/extend the original OS is not made clear. But someone making money off Haiku is somehow going to damage us. How is never made clear.

The last statement that because we will not do it like Linux(GPL) then he will not recommend us is laughable. As it is Haiku is not complete enough for the general public anyway, and programmers/developers have more than enough brains to figure out if they like Haiku or not.

Well, to be fair, almost everyone posting in this thread is a Haiku user, both open source proponents and free software proponents alike. :slight_smile:

Maybe in the future someone will do an Ubuntu → gNewSense dealy on Haiku and make… I don’t know, “Freeku”.

Good golly that’s a horrible name. Don’t use that name. If anyone does use that name, don’t give me credit.

What on Earth would “Freeku” offer, aside from the True Ideological Purity of the Gospel According to Stallman?

Hi, fellow Kiwi here. I imagine a free software only compile time option should be possible if anyone wants to put in the work that it requires. At the moment the priority for the core developers seems to be getting a stable release out the door and if we’re being frank, that’s not going to happen any time soon.

So at the moment I wouldn’t recommend suggesting Haiku to anyone over Ubuntu unless they’re interested in developing for the platform.

Haiku as a project seems to be more concerned with technology as opposed to ideology. However there is nothing preventing anyone from creating a free software only Haiku distribution and submitting it to the FSF for approval.

On another note, setting up a co-operative selling hardware with free software installed in Aotearoa sounds like an excellent idea. Have you considered using Trisquel? It’s a shame the efforts to translate GNOME into Te Reo seem to have stalled.

+1 commodorejohn

FSF restricts freedom of choice. I would like to install the closed software. I would like that someday, manufacturers wrote their drivers for Haiku.

I feel that people are not interested in open source software. They are interested in, that it is for free ;).

I hope that will never be created, Haiku distributions and forks. That would be a nightmare. This would mean that people are not able to communicate. They are unable to work out a compromise. That they behave like children, they take their toys and go away. What causes fragmentation of power\forces. By what open source software is worse than a closed.

Just because the True Ideological Purity of the Gospel According to Stallman isn’t important to you doesn’t mean it isn’t important to someone else. You seem really bothered by this thought, but I don’t understand why. :frowning:

Thanks to Haiku being open source software we could easily have both. Although in this case, I think it would be better to continue having the single unified licensed-as-it-is-now Haiku operating system with as few (or no) forks as possible. I respect and agree with the Haiku developers’ position on the topic:

It bothers me because some people (not all the free-software folks on here, but some) think that that’s the direction everything should be going. For example, the OP, who is evidently impressed with Haiku but will only support it if it conforms to the FSF guidelines (even though, if he’s going to be designing the hardware anyway, it should be within his power to make the issue of firmware blobs redundant by building with open hardware.) If FSF zealots want to inconvenience themselves for the sake of ideological purity, that’s their affair, but when they start suggesting that that should be the direction the whole project takes, that’s when it begins to concern other users, and therefore when it starts to bother me.

And yes, some people have suggested an FSF fork, instead, but as you yourself pointed out, that’s the kind of thing Haiku is trying to avoid. One of the barriers to entry for Linux (a minor one, but still existent) is the mind-boggling proliferation of distros and trying to figure out which one you’re supposed to use for what and why. Haiku, on the other hand, is simple: there’s just the one distro, and the most complicated thing about installing it is learning that you kinda need the latest nightly build on top of the base image. I really don’t think we need that extra complication. (As they say, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.) I try not to jump to conclusions, but I can see why some posters are concerned about other people wanting to “make Haiku into another Linux.”

On top of which, there’s the fact that having a “free-software version of Haiku” would be misleading to newbies. This is one of my pet peeves with the FSF; intentionally or no, they’ve selected terms that, in standard English, carry direct moral/emotional implications to describe what they’re doing. “Free” carries connotations of inherent desirability and goodness, and “non-free” quite the opposite, and the fact that FSF advocates will talk your ear off about the difference between libre and gratis does nothing at all to change that.

So picture the newcomer, looking at the site and being presented with “free” and “non-free” distributions. Nobody who’s not aware of FSF doctrine and lingo is going to pick the “non-free” version. So when they install it, and they find that possibly some of their hardware doesn’t work, they’re going to blame Haiku for it, when Haiku could very well actually support it just fine in the “non-free” version. Best case is that they then come onto the forum to complain about it, in which case they’ll be greeted with A. “non-free” Haiku users explaining that they should have gone against their instincts and downloaded the version that sounded worse, and B. FSF zealots (who would doubtless be attracted here in greater numbers by such a fork) blaming them for not using open hardware.

Is that really something we need, here?

All the posts? I’ve seen the op make that suggestion, but anyone else?

On the other hand we have the ‘fanatics’ who starts screaming that Haiku adding a package manager suddenly turns it into Linux.

[quote=Earl Colby Pottinger]
Despite multiple people all saying they like the direction Haiku is going at present we see post after post pushing against what Haiku users want.[/quote]
Don’t know what ‘post after post’ refers to as I’ve again only seen the OP suggesting it. As for what ‘Haiku users want’, that’s not something you or I can certify as we do not represent all Haiku users. Either way it really doesn’t matter, the only thing that matter is what the devs think and they are obviously perfectly happy with their current licencing and have shown no indication of wanting to change it, so I don’t see why you are getting so upset.

[quote=Earl Colby Pottinger]
How we are damaged when we still have our original OS and still can modify/extend the original OS is not made clear. But someone making money off Haiku is somehow going to damage us. How is never made clear.[/quote]
I can’t answer for whomever you attribute this to, but certainly it can have a negative effect on a project at large aswell as on the morale of it’s developers if an outside entity picks up their project and starts improving and selling it as a proprietary project without giving anything back while continously picking up any enhancements done by the original project.

Something like this could perhaps trigger a concensus for licence change amongst the devs. However I think this rarely happens, only thing that pops into mind right now is Wine where they where MIT licenced and proprietary versions of the project weren’t contributing their improvements back which triggered a licence change to LGPL.

Agree with you here, I always found the use of ‘free’ as poor propaganda as what we are talking about here is ‘rights’. GPL gives the recipient of the code certain rights, the right to have the source code made available, the right to make infinite copies etc, calling those rights ‘freedoms’ just muddy the waters and really should be kept outside of the licence in my opinion.

As for the whole GPL fork thing, it’s seems so extremely unlikely that I don’t see why some people are getting so agitated over the idea. For it to gain any traction it would require lots of devs to be aboard else such a venture it would quickly fade into obscurity, and again there’s hasn’t even been any hints of a licence discussion amongst the devs.

Only thing I find hilarious is how it seems some people are perfectly fine with a company picking up Haiku and selling it as a proprietary product while thinking a GPL’ed fork would be the end of the world.

I guessed where this discussion was headed and tried to defuse it early on but to no avail it seems. I suppose the choice of open source licence is a core issue with Haiku for some people, personally it’s the least important thing when I think of Haiku.

Has anybody been talking about making Haiku proprietary? I haven’t seen anything to that effect. People have discussed distributing it with commercial hardware, but I don’t recall anything about closing off the OS…

For me, at least, it has nothing to do with license loyalty and everything to do with the idea that Haiku should be as usable as is feasible, so that (ideally) anybody can use it on any sufficiently powerful hardware (the same reason I’d really like to see the PPC port picked back up.) The idea of seeking to comply to FSF guidelines is a concern for me because it would impair usability, in exchange for essentially nothing more than a “True Believer” sticker.