Löve2d patch

11.5 is already in the depot now, so you can install without building first. :slight_smile: Glad it’s tunning out fine.


This sounds like a problem with the SDL2 port.

Does this still happen? It looks like SDL2 should return the correct screen dimensions
GIthub Link

int HAIKU_GetDisplayBounds(SDL_VideoDevice *_this, SDL_VideoDisplay *display, SDL_Rect *rect) {
    BScreen bscreen;
    BRect rc = bscreen.Frame();
    rect->x = (int)rc.left;
    rect->y = (int)rc.top;
    rect->w = (int)rc.Width() + 1;
    rect->h = (int)rc.Height() + 1;
    return 0;

Yes it now returns the right dimensions to the game