Lenovo Ideapad 110 15acl laptop -- failed to boot, displays white error screen

Spec: Lenovo ideapad 110 amd a8-7410 apu with radeon r5 graphics ram 4gb

both beta 5 and nightly builds iso are like this

This is an app_server crash. Enable the “fail-safe graphics driver” and it should probably work.


Um, how? :sweat_smile: still noob here

It can be activated in the bootloader menus. See the documentation:



It’s work! But haiku not detected my wifi. my adventure with haiku ended quickly :frowning:

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→ There is no wired network possibility for you ?

→ Also here are discussions here about cheap USB networking devices to connect to wifi or ethernet - depending on your favour in networking …

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Don’t have any wired networking, only wifi

Don’t worry i wont use haiku anyway, without hardware acceleration is kinda useless for me

Try disabling possible offending accelerator(s). I had a similar issue, and after process of elimination, Haiku is working splendidly. Please reply if disabling radeon_hd, specifically, helps.