Is it prudent to depend on freebsd for device drivers?

I know your pain. I have bean around for a while. From BeOS -> OpenBeOS -> Haiku. I tested Linux but I had a similar problem as you and all I got was “fix it your self”. Like you are getting now. Haiku are right know are all about fixing a itch that you have. So more or less every developer are fixing there itch so It can be hard to get some one to fix your itch special if its not “only” copy FreeBSD code.

I made this page mutch from the problem that there was no good information about hardware supported. This page are what the code should support, not was are working. I see that it’s time to update it agin :slight_smile:

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We are an OS in beta phase. We know our limitations and I think we do our best to be clear about this. So, yes, right now, our goal is not to get “normal” users, but people ready to live with the problems of a beta version. If you aren’t, and expect professional-quality support line with 24-hours reply to all your problems, we can’t provide that.

Of course our hardware support is limited. It is limited by the time the handful of devs who can write drivers can spend on it. It is also limited by the hardware they have access to, because, you know, they need to test their code with something. So, no, in the case of Haiku, you can’t, yet, pick any random hardware and expect that it will work. You should have done some research about the available options, before buying the hardware, and I don’t think you can blame us for that. Did we claim things such as “extensive hardware support” and “runs on any machine” somewhere?

We can offer your money back on Haiku (oh wait, you probably didn’t pay anything for it). But that’s about all we can do for now. So, yes, maybe Haiku is not for you at this point, and maybe we’ll see you back in a few years when we are more ready for general use.