Iceweasel: Unofficial Firefox port on HaikuDepot

Yes everything is working fine with my NUC Intel I5 6I5SYK (year 2017)

Wifi, audio via jack (sometimes it’s bug and need to restart), etc. I didn’t test bluebooth.

If you have some doubts with the hardware, if you own it, you can test with a live USB stick.

This KDL

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Also, when Iceweasel is open, if you shutdown the computer, it wont shut down, but an error message appears with some regret message.
This is very consistent in it’s behaviour.
When Iveweasel is open, you cannot shut down your laptop, gracefully

I am happy we now have a variant of Firefox for Haiku, but it’s still under heavy development, and it shows.
I get severe lockups, high CPU load and lots of crashes in various Wayland and non-wayland related occasions, e.g. the garbage collector.

Just today, with latest Haiku nightly hrev58507, I had this curious issue several times:

  1. on start, IceWeasel won’t restore the last session but just show an empty window
  2. CPU load goes way up and nothing works.
  3. I press Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up the TaskManager, but instead IceWeasel disappears and I see blue borders - seems some IceWeasel shortcut kicks in and wants to select some DOM element.

In the last step, there is no way back, no Esc, nothing helps, just hard reboot.

This is not to offend anyone, @KENZ and all those who contribute and help are doing an awesome job.
I just don’t want to over-hype this and spread wrong assumptions.

By definition, it cannot compete with WebPositive on the efficiency front, so I’m really surprised you have the opposite impression.
For me, a native, lightweight browser to quickly get documentation and various infos is a hard requirement, something that Konqueror and Safari were in the beginning.

Firefox/Iceweasel is the SUV of the Web, with all advantages and disadvantages.
WebPositive is the - dare I say - Tesla (just symbolically) in comparison.

Every tool has its strenghts and use.

Does KDL work in that state? I think the blue borders are caused by the app_server thinking that ctrl and alt (from ctrl alt del) are continioung to be held while you have let go in actuallitty.

Oh so it’s a visual app_server debugging mode?
You mean manually jumping into KDL via Ctrl+SysReq?

Depends. Are we talking about these blue borders or something else?

edit: Yes, i ment jumping into kdl with the keyboard

Yes these are the ones. Interesting, didn’t know that shortcut…

In any case I cannot control Tracker with the mouse anymore then, it’s trapped in keyboard mode.

Yeah, in this mode all mouse events are only interpreted as left click for move and right click for resize.

Ideally this should be reoslveable, for example with an app_server restart. But iirc this doesn’t actually work with apps reconnecting and such.

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On my NUC, I’ve the opposite experience for the moment (note : I’m on R1 beta5 and not on nightly) :

  • Sometimes WebPositive hangs, and I have to wait 5-10 seconds before having a refresh of a web page.
  • I have only noticed some tabs crashing in Iceweasel but globally it’s working fine for me since I’m using it on a daily basis. I never noticed any slowlyness (and responsiveness is good), so expect sometimes some tab crashes I maintain my good opinion for this version.

If that happens on specific pages please open a ticket (As this is then a freezing bug), but in general this is a bit of a systemic problem since a single misbehaving page will freeze all others too. With webkit2 this will be fixed, and we are making progress towards this, but we aren’t there yet. : )


Ok I got this issue again today with latest Haiku hrev58510.

This time I was able to take a debug report and kill the rogue Iceweasel process, but it was not easy:

  • Quit / Close Window didn’t work
  • KDL shortcut didn’t work
  • even a ps in Terminal froze !
  • Deskbar and Tracker were unresponsive but eventially went back to life again

Between all the assembly there is some useful info after all: (will probably move this to a proper bug report if not already known)

Active Threads:
	thread 536: IPC I/O Child 
	thread 540: pool-spawner 
	thread 541: gmain 
	thread 545: Socket Thread 
	thread 546: HTML5 Parser 
	thread 547: StyleThread#1 
	thread 548: StyleThread#2 
	thread 549: StyleThread#3 
	thread 550: StyleThread#4 
	thread 551: StyleThread#5 
	thread 552: JS Watchdog 
	thread 554: Timer 
	thread 555: RemVidChild 
	thread 556: ImageIO 
	thread 557: Worker Launcher 
	thread 558: Backgro~Pool #2 
	thread 559: ImageBridgeChld 
	thread 560: ProcessHangMon 
	thread 566: team 527 debug task 
	thread 527: MainThread (main)
		state: Exception (Segment violation)
|||0x7f59219755c0|0x30fdfab089|IPC::ParamTraits<mozilla::psm::Certificate>::Read(IPC::MessageReader*) + 0xd9 |
|||0x7f5921975670|0x30fe01c9c0|_ZN7mozilla10MozPromiseISt10shared_ptrIN16content_analysis3sdk6ClientEE8nsresultLb0EE9ThenValueIJZNS_15contentanalysis15ContentAnalysis21RunAnalyzeRequestTaskERK6RefPtrI25nsIContentAnalysisRequestEblRKSB_I26nsIContentAnalysisCallbackEE3$_0ZNSA_21RunAnalyzeRequestTaskESF_blSJ_E3$_1EE10DisconnectEv + 0 |
|||0x7f5921975690|0x30fe01c568|already_AddRefed<mozilla::CancelableRunnable> NS_NewCancelableRunnableFunction<mozilla::contentanalysis::ContentAnalysis::CancelWithError(nsTString<char>, nsresult)::$_0>(char const*, mozilla::contentanalysis::ContentAnalysis::CancelWithError(nsTString<char>, nsresult)::$_0&&)::FuncCancelableRunnable::Run() + 0x4a8 |
|||0x7128d195770|0x30fe017b0e|/boot/system/apps/Iceweasel/lib/ + 0x349eb0e |
	thread 539: Iceweasel 
		state: Exception (Invalid opcode exception)

		Frame		IP			Function Name
		0x7fcb8d49e390	0x30fdfc5abf	mozilla::ContentBlockingAllowListCache::EnsureInit() + 0x34f 
|||0x7fcb8d49e3c0|0x30fed23645|prio::flp::ProveShimGadget$LT$F$GT$::new::hb4101436f8db57aa + 0x135 |
|||0x7fcb8d49e3e0|0x30fecfd8fc|chrono::format::format_inner::h43779f84e2b3a33b + 0x81c |
|||0x7fcb8d49e420|0xf557659e69|__cxa_finalize + 0x159 |
|||0x7fcb8d49e440|0xf55765a022|exit + 0x12 |
|||0x7fcb8d49e448|0x21d4eadafc0|Application::MessageReceived(BMessage*) + 0 |
|||0x7fcb8d49e440|0x7fcb8d49e500|? |
|||0x7fcb8d49e510|0xc46aff4d33|BLooper::_QuitRequested(BMessage*) + 0x33 |
|||0x7fcb8d49e560|0xc46aff526e|BLooper::task_looper() + 0x28e |
|||0x7fcb8d49e580|0xc46aff47fb|BLooper::_task0_(void*) + 0x1b |
|||0x7fcb8d49e5a0|0xf5575e1167|thread_entry + 0x17 |
|||00000000|0x7fe67e966258|commpage_thread_exit + 0 |
		0x7fbe6bfa3bb0	0x30fdf84322	nsClientAuthRememberService::DeleteDecisionsByHost(nsTSubstring<char> const&, JS::Handle<JS::Value>, JSContext*) + 0x132 
		0x7fbe6bfa3be0	0x30fe5f1cbc	js::frontend::GeneralParser<js::frontend::FullParseHandler, char32_t>::ifStatement(js::frontend::YieldHandling) + 0x46c 
		0x7fbe6bfa3c20	0x30fe5fb009	js::frontend::GeneralParser<js::frontend::FullParseHandler, char32_t>::bindingIdentifier(js::frontend::DeclarationKind, js::frontend::YieldHandling) + 0x89 
		0x7fbe6bfa3c80	0x30fe5f272f	js::frontend::GeneralParser<js::frontend::FullParseHandler, char32_t>::forStatement(js::frontend::YieldHandling) + 0x6bf 
		0x7fbe6bfa3e60	0x30fe021216	mozilla::IdentityCredentialStorageService::BlockShutdown(nsIAsyncShutdownClient*) + 0x76 
		0x7fbe6bfa3ea0	0x11cfe791fc9	_pt_root + 0xb9 
		0x7fbe6bfa3ec0	0xf5575f0925	pthread_thread_entry(void*, void*) + 0x15 
		00000000	0x7fe67e966258	commpage_thread_exit + 0 
	ID		Count	Last Holder	Name
	33268	    0	          0	some BBlockCache lock
	33269	    0	          0	token space
	33270	    0	          0	BLooperList lock
	33271	    0	          0	AppServerLink_sLock
	33272	    0	          0	some BLocker
	33273	    0	          0	some BLocker
	33274	    0	          0	Catalog
	33275	    0	          0	LocaleRosterData
	33276	    0	          0	some BLocker
	33283	    0	          0	some BLocker
	33284	    0	          0	BMediaRoster::Roster locker
	33285	    0	          0	port pool
	33286	    0	          0	media theme lock
	33287	    0	          0	add-on manager
	33288	    0	          0	shared buffer list
	33289	    0	          0	media plugin manager
	33319	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	33320	    0	          0	AppLooperPort
	33333	    0	          0	screen list
	33334	    0	          0	clipboard
	33335	    0	          0	width buffer
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If nothing works (reboot or closing Iceweasel) use:
to get to the KDL, and type reboot to restart
or type cont to get back to the Desktop (which wont help here)
or type bt to get a backtrace, make a picture with your phone and sent it here!


This sounds like the issue that @Nexus-6 reported on the bugtracker, it’s somehow a Haiku regression. I haven’t reproduced it yet (but I have some devices on bare-metal here that I didn’t test yet.)

We might have restricted the suspect hrev to 58503, KDL does not give me any insight except that some apps seem stuck in wait for a condvar or a semaphore.
These commits seem two good candidates, maybe?

  • kernel/team: Convert Team linked-lists into DoublyLinkedLists.
  • kernel/thread: Add a check for the current thread in Thread:: Get.

Ah then I had the wrong keyboard shortcut in mind and will try again, sadly happens very often currently anyway… like 1 in 3 times.

It’s good to know !
Just for SysReq I had to use [Fn] key on this keyboard :smiley:

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Update now to hrev58517 and the bug is solved by waddlesplash yesterday!


Same here it seems, didn’t encounter this bug anymore but didn’t test much.

I’ve just merged changes (in hrev58524) that fix stack trace generation in Debugger for any application or library built with Clang/LLD, which includes “Iceweasel”, so now debug reports generated for it should be much more useful.