[Solved} Hrev. updated to..55487: Screen display shaky..upon reboot, no screen

Wonder if it is a hardware issue…hrev…83 was fine…upon update to hrev… 87, it was working ok for 2 minutes…suddenly, display started shaking, with some garbled characters…did not know what to do…hard rebooted…now no screen beeping sound from machine…like during Kernel panic on Linux…
What do you people think? Likely a hardware on my machine?

Sounds like hardware problem. do you have externa graphic card?

This is a Pentium D, dual core processor, with built in graphics card Gigabit g41m combo motherboard

It sounds to me like the capacitors are going out. In anything older than about 10 years, the machines made with cheap capacitors start going bad. If it’s a collectible unit that’s discontinued, look at paying up to $100 USD to get all the capacitors replaced. I still need to do that to my 1992 vintage Amiga 1200.


Is your monitor new or old? It may be that the monitor lost a flyback transformer if it’s an old picture tube type. That’s what happened to my Commodore 1084S monitors.

Try to reseat the system’s memory (remove power first), sometimes that helps. You mentioned the system beeping, so probably the BIOS POST check fails already…

DDR3 ram slot chip shorted. Both DDR3 slots out. RAM out
Changed over to DDR2 2GB RAM…All ok

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