How to use pip install?

I think you’ve been had by a spam bot - it probably searches for threads with ‘how to install pip’ or similar in the title and posts that response with a link to a page with ads.

I marked it as spam and I doubt you’ll get a response from the bot.



Helpful spam? This is new to me, but since somebody (fbi?) hacked and fixed vulnarable servers i am not surprised on anything. Also 3 rules of gentlemans apply (eg. a gentlemen never rush, because he is always on time; he never pays, because he have credit(card), and never surprised, because already seen everything. ← the last one is tricky)

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The strategy for these spambots would be to post some apparently helpful messages and then switch to posting dubious links. That strategy allows them to avoid both machine- and human-based spam filtering systems. But not this time, I guess :slight_smile: