How to place an image (JPG,, GIF, etc.) with YAB?

The special characters like “(” or “)” “.” alone are solved by the lelldorin code -->I must use of char-color for it.

But if you find a way for a better syntax recognition like as example these:

this is welcome.

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Hi Kitsune, with the current Version of yab it isn’t possible, but i have the next version of yab in work and the issue is solved.


@Kitsune64 Do you working on your love IDE anymore? Long time nothing to hear about it?

Interest to work together? I have many experiences with IDEs and you the love/lua experience?

I do some progress in creating my own ide for love, but i do not want to steal you the project. I do this editor for me, to test love programs. But if you like to cooperate, would be fine.

Functions at the moment:

  1. Dopping love file to add as project
  2. Open lua file in editor
    2.1. Open other files with system favorite tools (like images, audio…)
  3. Syntax highlightning taken from EGSL (need to be changed)
  4. Run a love project


Nice work lelldorin :), no problem it’s a good idea and I encourage you to continue this project. I abandoned Haiku for a while, but now I’ve reinstalled Haiku on a VMware virtual machine. I can’t find your LoveIDE in the haiku repository software. I remind that I was waiting for an update of YabIDE at one time because I had trouble to highlighting text for the Love syntax.

Maybe because, you didn’t add BeSly repos…

 32Bit  pkgman add-repo
 64Bit  pkgman add-repo
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Hi! Thanks for reply.

Can I use the 32Bits repository on a 64Bits Haiku system cause I don’t find the LoveIDE in the 64Bits repository apparently?

64-bits requires 64-bit executables at this time. Running 32-bit executables requires a 32-bit install under QEmu or similar emulation.

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The LoveIDE are not online and in development. I do not have the time to make much on it at the moment.