Help to building a recipes

How to make recipe and then use with"hp"

Well one of the things you need to do is cut a release and use that as your source.

This is a very broad question for a very complex process. See the detailed wiki at


I set up and runned haiku port already
with command

“hp weather”
But i confused that How to make recipe of Animator
means how to began
—can i clone it simply
or anything else

I set up and runned haiku port already and build a package
with command

“hp weather”
But i confused that How to make recipe of Animator because it has only Sources >many .cpp files, .h files
means how to began
—can i clone it simply
or anything else
Help me to

You have to make it compile first. So you have to find out the dependencies of the app: what development libraries are needed for it to build. Install those from HaikuDepot. If they are not all available you stuck. Need to port/build them first.
Then try to build, see what fails, fix it, try again… and so on, and so on. That’s the essence of porting.
Once you’re built and run the app successfully, create your recipe that defines the required libs, what to patch, how to build etc.

Depending on the app in question the above is easy (alread working Haiku apps) or can be hard (porting something big like Mono)…

I take it, you read the HaikuPorts wiki, esp.

and all the rest…