Haiku Updater

I think a simple RSS-like 3rd Party app would be sufficient for updating. Not everyone has the internet, and that is how most viruses are travelling these days.

5 Step scenario to get a look at my idea:

  1. User installs official Haiku Distribution
  2. User installs Updater application
  3. User registers* ‘system’, ‘firefox’ and ‘openoffice’ with Updater
  4. Updater checks latest version of selected groups/apps.
  5. Updater somehow notifies user of the updater, with information on how to update (Possibly automatically, within 3 clicks)
    x. A new version is of something is available, goto step 5.
  • By register i mean selects those applications/predetermined groups
  • Please remember that most users wont have the Haiku source on their systems.
  • Please remember that most users hate annoying popups, or having to restart their computer because of an update.

I think, a user-friendly updater (Yes, like Microsoft Windows!) would be really good for Haiku users.