Haiku coding sprint 2021

There was no dedicated report for it, but the work done on Haiku side is included in the Haiku activity report for October: Haiku activity report - October 2021 | Haiku Project and there will be more in the november and maybe december ones as the code gets finalized, reviewed and merged.

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Thank you for your answer, Pulkomandy. :slight_smile:
Recently I used to reading tickets by roadmap what blocks the progress of reaching target and also the committed changes on different platforms of the activity tabs as well to feed my curiosity … as forum sometimes silent or discuss lesser interesting topics ( just from my perspective :wink: - to avoid misunderstandings ).

… and then when I look back at my code a few days later, sometimes I think that Mekk Elek the jack of all trades goat could be a better avatar for me :wink: even though I don’t have spectacles



Of course, you are not right :slight_smile: You can be proud as with all of your efforts ARM32 bit port moved forward especially booting with EFI that is highly awaited by many end users here. Most people does not like build the system on their machines, but just rather boot it and use it. Thanks to your cooperations (devs) it was getting closer for them.