[quote=steveh]Do you know why the strongest core of Haiku developers are having so much fun working with it? Because all they need is a terminal window and Vim and the rest is wrapping their head around a kernel or driver problem to solve…happy as pigs in slop.
But if you want to develop at the GUI level, welcome to the early 90’s. I think the best chance of a decent GUI dev system is to get Mono ported and then beat MonoDevelop into submission where it can build either C# or C++ apps with the native GUI components. You should never have to mock up a GUI for your app in straight C++ these days. That is, unless you’re deliberately trying to keep your application dev population to a bare minimum.
This is why you see alpha after alpha come out, and, after that, beta after beta. There’s no hurry to go to R1 because kernel hackers have zero interest in building complex software at the application level anyway. No sane person is going to do a Gobe or TuneTracker app these days working with stone knives and bear skins for dev tools.
If a new app developer comes along, loads up Haiku in Virtual Box, the first thing s/he is going to say after seeing the GUI is, “Okay, now where’s the dev tools? What? You’re telling me in 2012, after I’ve experienced working with Visual Studio and Xcode already, that Pe or Paladin is the place to get crackin’? Ctrl-F to get back to Virtual Box…remove the Haiku disk image to save space. Too bad…I even kinda liked the GUI elements and was getting excited about building something.”
Lots of great things going on in system dev land on Haiku though. Advanced GUI stuff is the last thing on your mind in that space though.
The most fun I’m having right now is just bringing up Java apps with hamish’s OpenJDK port and being in awe of how ONE PERSON ported this monstrous platform to Haiku during a 3 month GSOC stint. But, this is write once, run everywhere. The better experience to attract converts to Haiku is going to be a great developer experience catering to Haiku native apps or a Ruby, Python or C# environ with native GUI. [bethon isn’t a dev environ. MonoDevelop, which is a fork of the SharpDevelop Project, can encompass what I’m saying…
More smart people need to be on the app dev tools side. Darkwyrm did a great recreation of the BeIDE(++). But it’s not 1995 anymore. No one wants to code like it’s 1995.
[That’s my rant. I’ve said my piece and it won’t be repeated][/quote]
Uhm… no one interested in… pigs in slop (nice)… what do you call this that was posted only last week… http://www.haiku-os.org/blog/czeidler/2012-09-03_ale_auckland_layout_editor
Sure its a layout and property editor not a full IDE. But its one piece of the puzzle. Add a way to double click on an event and have it auto-generate the event code and open it in paladin, and you’re basically there.
Personally, I think making mono work natively sounds like a real ugly way to move forward, and probably a huge amount of work. It’s not like many Linux apps are really using Mono anyway in my experience. Its a nice way to make your .net apps work on Linux or to develop if you dont know much else but C# and .Net, but I can’t see many other people using it. Mono doesnt have WPF even. And if youve done much WPF development you quickly learn that its much nicer and easier to code your GUI in XAML with the benefit of being able to see the changes you make live than actually laying the stuff out manually yourself. I have to say I’d welcome something like XAML inside the auckland layout editor.
Not that I don’t see your point. This is something that needs to be addressed, but I do think that more programmers than you imagine are happy working without an IDE like the one you describe for the time being. And when this is done, it should be done properly, not by cludging on .Net or a non-native toolkit. IMHO, the reason the majority of core haiku developers arent spending time on this is because they are core haiku developers trying to get the core of haiku to a stable and useful place. I imagine with the advent of R1 (which is looking pretty close right now) things like this will take higher priority, but right now they’ve got bigger fish to fry!