[GSOC 2024] Proposal: Improving the userland debugging experience

I fully support this proposal and I’d like to articulate a case in favour of this, particularly on porting LLDB.


LLDB is used by the .NET diagnostic tools to perform dignostics and debugging on non-Windows platforms.
Yesterday I’ve managed to succesfully build netcoredbg on Haiku but it requires a few components from the .NET diagnostic toolset (namely libdbgshim) which, as said, require LLDB.
Netcoredbg is an implementation of a .NET debugger that does not have the licensing restrictions of the other debuggers available. JetBrains’ .NET Core debugger is part of Rider and is proprietary while Microsoft debugger cannot be used outside of the Visual Studio family of products.


The Debugger Adapter Protocol is a protocol specification targeted to abstract the communication between IDEs and debuggers.
LLDB supports DAP via lldb-dap (GDB also supports it but from version 14).
DAP is designed in a way similar to LSP (Language Server Protocol) which abstracts the communication between IDEs and language servers to get diagnostic, auto completion, refactorings, and more.
The Genio team is currently discussing the possibility to add the support for DAP but we don’t have a debugger which implements this protocol.
Porting LLDB would open a whole new world for debugging Haiku apps inside Genio being them written either in C++, C# or other languages.