Graphic library and GUI


The Linux kernel does a great job of maintaining userspace API and ABI compatibility, as I explained. This has been somewhat important to its success.

Concrete examples are what I asked for, not vague references to “thousands” of bug reports.[/quote]

Linux has no abi api issues at the kernel level ? Wow. It doesn’t get broken intentionally, it gets broken becuase change one item might break 10 more items.

Linux is a sucess, double wow. 1% desktop market penetration. Thats sucess with a capital fail. Just to add

Linux is only free if your time is worthless.

If only either of your statements were true.

you could go find the proof you seek, but then the truth is uglier then you can admit.

I think you need to review this part of the thread again.

Yes, Linux is a huge success, I’m not sure why you have trouble understanding that. Millions of desktop users although impressive in its own right is just a tiny corner of the big picture. By the way although success does not have a “capital fail” it does have two letter Cs in it.



any questions ?


I think you need to review this part of the thread again.

Yes, Linux is a huge success, I’m not sure why you have trouble understanding that. Millions of desktop users although impressive in its own right is just a tiny corner of the big picture. By the way although success does not have a “capital fail” it does have two letter Cs in it.[/quote]

Linux is a sucess for companies that don’t want to pay microsoft liscensing fees by the core. whats really ammusing is that Most companies install Linux, then VM software and then run theres apps in virtualization. It is usually do to the lisencsing of the core/cpu count and nothing to do with and supposed superiority of the OS.

super computers need a highly configurable and very flexiable OS. They use the linux kernel becuase its EASY. If these project had the time to write a new kernel, they likely would.

Linux is not a sucess on phones, Its just cheap. But thats going to change with Microsoft marching in. I bet MS will give windows phone 7 away if they can keep the money makers, apps/games.

You obviously don’t understand bussiness.

there nothing linux does that someone else doesn’t already do or most likely do it better.

My reason for choosing haiku has to do with my need not being met by any of the other players out there.

I have quickly looked over the posts between thatguy & NoHaiku.

Please guys cool it. Understand that every person chooses the OS that is best for them. So, bashing each other’s OSes does not help.

People should use what works for them and makes them happy.
If you like Haiku. Use it. If you like Linux. Use it.

I realize that everyone feels strongly about their favorite OS but let’s stay calm & non-combative. Thanks.

[quote=tonestone57]I have quickly looked over the posts between thatguy & NoHaiku.

Please guys cool it. Understand that every person chooses the OS that is best for them. So, bashing each other’s OSes does not help.

People should use what works for them and makes them happy.
If you like Haiku. Use it. If you like Linux. Use it.

I realize that everyone feels strongly about their favorite OS but let’s stay calm & non-combative. Thanks.[/quote]

You gotta admit, the pictures were funny.

In my experience if you want civility (or indeed anything else in particular) on a forum you need clear rules and someone to enforce them. That’s how Elitist Jerks is able to function for example. My understanding is that Haiku lacks the manpower to do that. So realistically you’re not only going to have “bashing” but you are also going to get ad hominems, irrelevant posts, thread necromancy, and so on.

Persuading thatguy of his errors is an unlikely outcome, my intention is to avoid the situation (very common on BeOS forums, and now on this Haiku forum) where mistaken claims about the OS are allowed to mislead bystanders. Almost ten years after BeOS ceased development there are still people who claim BFS is actually able to store files up to 2^64 bytes long, because they read that somewhere and nobody corrected it. Such myths cause problems, whether they’re about BeOS, Haiku, or Windows 95.

In my experience if you want civility (or indeed anything else in particular) on a forum you need clear rules and someone to enforce them. That’s how Elitist Jerks is able to function for example. My understanding is that Haiku lacks the manpower to do that. So realistically you’re not only going to have “bashing” but you are also going to get ad hominems, irrelevant posts, thread necromancy, and so on.

Persuading thatguy of his errors is an unlikely outcome, my intention is to avoid the situation (very common on BeOS forums, and now on this Haiku forum) where mistaken claims about the OS are allowed to mislead bystanders. Almost ten years after BeOS ceased development there are still people who claim BFS is actually able to store files up to 2^64 bytes long, because they read that somewhere and nobody corrected it. Such myths cause problems, whether they’re about BeOS, Haiku, or Windows 95.[/quote]

Mostly your just a troll. There no puersuading needed. I have no problem telling you to can it. We don’t need a linux troll. Everybody has one and no one can stand them.

We don’t need your corrections, we’d all be better off if you just stayed logged out.