Genio / Paladin / Qt Creator

I don’t agree. I have never used a Qt app on Haiku that felt right to me

You can’t fake a native UI.

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I use the native tag to select apps. I don’t want any Qt apps on my computer, and the removal of this feature would be a huge problem for me.

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Tomorrow on Haiku Insider : IDE features comparison for these 3 applications.

I hope it will bring some ideas on the Haiku ecosystem in this area :slight_smile:


Just a quick clarification on plugins and code fixes.
Genio currently supports code fixes if the language server offers that capability. As it stands today, the three LS supported are clangd, OmniSharp and pylsp but fixes are not available with pylsp as of yet.
Genio also has an early stage support for plugins in an unconventional way, these are mainly scripts that communicate with Genio via its scripting suite.
We haven’t advertised that much but we plan to improve this over time.
We already have two, maybe three working plugins but we need to find the right way to publish them. One of these uses Zeal to show the documentation of the selected symbol, which would cover also the “API documentation” capability in your article.

EDIT: we call them extensions in Genio


Ok thanks for these details.

I will correct the article regarding the code fix feature for Genio. Just to be sure : using clangd in Genio must be done in the preferences of the project ?

The LS is chosen based on the file type and you can have multiple LS running in the same project.

Ok not sure if it works out of the box or if manual configuration is required?

I can see the below page on that topic : Genio/ at main · Genio-The-Haiku-IDE/Genio · GitHub

For C++, you need to install llvm and create the compile db as described in that file.
For Python and C# please drop something on our Github or on this forum, especially for C# you need several steps to get started including cloning and compiling my fork of O#.

EDIT: O# => OmniSharp