For quite some time a similar issue and I did not fully understand why my PyQt application failed to start when lauched via QuickLaunch [1].
Turns out Python’s ctypes.find_library
on Haiku depends on the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
[2]. Now one could try to update the Python patches to use libbe
find_directory instead, but actually the affected code is exactly what is used to find a library like libbe
. That probably means the patch should be inside the Python C code to provide a way to access find_directory from Python. But we are also looking at updating the patches for currently 4 different Python versions, and there are currently separate patchsets for 32 and 64 bit.
It really sounds more sensible to me to update launch daemon for at least the basic variables.
I just wonder why Tracker is able to start this, but QuickLaunch fails. Does Tracker do some special handling with environment?
[1] read env before starting an app · Issue #15 · humdingerb/quicklaunch · GitHub