Contributing and decision-making

Of course the company will?

For the beta2 DVD I ordered them from

It’s their business to press DVDs and CDs. You send a disk image (our anyboot image is just fine), and a PDF for the art (for both the CD and the sleeve). They have many packaging options available.

I picked this one because it is in the same country as me (saving on shipping costs), but I’m sure you can find similar offers in other places. They have a wide choice of packaging for CDs and DVDs and they also do USB.

I sold or gave away about 500 DVDs or a bit more. I had ordered 1000 because the cost for 500 or 1000 is almost the same (most of the cost for them is setting up the tooling to press the DVDs, then they can just let the machine run a little longer).

We already have T-Shirts:

It is unclear to me if buying there results in money being sent to Haiku inc however.

Personally I would prefer that we work with

  • Clear mention of how much of the money goes into printing the T-Shirt, how much goes to the non-profit org
  • Already used by many other opensource projects
  • Presence at opensource conference (for exemple at Capitole du Libre there is a dedicated booth for selling all kind of T-Shirts for all projects - they have a list of events on their website too)
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I’ll have a look, thanks for the recommendation!

I am pretty sure that is the case with Cafepress, however the Inc. would need to confirm this - it would be good if @leavengood or @kallisti5 could clarify.

I think we need to reach out to them with some sort of proposal to be accepted - although there is a poll where you can vote for the next T-shirt - Haiku has 66 votes currently.

Haiku has 66 votes currently

67 :v:

Little square stickers like “Intel Powered” for my laptop would be great.

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I think we did have something like that - I think the designs are buried somewhere in the artwork repository.

And what about a leaf sticker to cover the Windows key?

That’s a good idea - I will look into that :slight_smile:

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Did you think about a sort of “HaikuBox”, a cheap PC fully supported by Haiku for people who want a perfect out-of-the-box Haiku experience?


As much as many members of the community would like that, I’m afraid that’s simply not possible due to the amount of resources, money and time needed to make such a product :slight_smile:

Not reinventing the wheel, but selecting an existing simple device from Dell for example and setup Haiku for it.

Yeah, that would probably be hard too - we’d have to either work with Dell, the OEM or buy the devices ourselves by bulk and customising it for Haiku. Although, if anyone has other easier alternatives feel free to add to the discussion.

Check out the hardware compatibility list and get your own.

With our current resources we can do this: check what the community is already using and has already solved problems

We can’t really do this: get some new and easy to buy hardware, fix all problems, and get the thing sold to our users before it is obsolete and not available to buy new anymore

The cause is a mix of people like me buying new computers only rarely and buying used ones (for ecological reasons), and the limited number of people interested or knowledgeable or motivated for the kind of hardware specific coding required (it’s more rewarding to fix a bug that affects everyone than a bug that affects juste one machine - unless it is your own machine maybe)

Also there is the risk that only one machine would get attention, and problems on other machines would raise, forcing everyone who wants to use Haiku to get that specific machine. If we’re going towards that, let’s at least make sure the machine is a virtual one (qemu, for exemple) so that anyone can get it for free.

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There’s a site called where we could create a build that had known working components. It would give us exposure with the build community and serve as a reference for Haikuers to get known working components.

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Yes that’s it! Follow the roadmap on trac is one rule. Building a structure another one. Who is doing what and can do what…

Just get yourself a Thinkpad X220. I know it works because I have one.

Or pick something from

Why insist on one single machine when we have dozens of configurations listed?

We already have those; I’m not sure where they come from, but @pulkomandy sent them out with the beta1 DVDs. I put one on my laptop :slight_smile:

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Probably the best bet from the Thinkpad line is the xn30 series, such as T430, X230, W530, etc… They are rapid, robust, reliable, repairable, upgradeable, affordable, and plentiful on Ebay. The xn20 series is fine too.

I had printed my own stickers but they are much larger than the Windows key.

The template for this is in the artwork repository at github and I ordered them from StickerMule. They also have an hexagonal sticker offer that is popular with opensource projects, I planned to print a run of these but didn’t have time to design the sticker.