Building packages with haikuporter

Great help! Just finished following your tutorial…
I think I got it! At least it is working so far.

Very good writing very clean and easy to understand
… >>no look here and more details here and there anymore<<
thanks alot…

hopefully I can use it now…

Two questions I have:
you wrote:

“If something goes wrong and you want a fresh start, open the folder of the recipe you try to build and delete all folders starting with “work-”. Also delete the “download” folder if you suspect a corrupted source archive.
Do a “haikuporter artpaint -c” for ArtPaint as example.”

For what and why I have to do a “haikuporter artpaint -c”
what is the -c doing?


which will be time-consumingly recreated with the next build.

That means it will be created the first time (creating all those files in haikuports)?
Starting “hp artpaint” for example?