Booting our RISC-V images | Haiku Project

Maybe try the qemu flags the article mentions? I think most of the erratic keyboard + mouse behavior is due to #17380 mentioned below. It’s funny that the hardware works better than qemu at the moment :slight_smile:

This is a known issue in qemu. There’s a timer bug in Haiku (pretty much #17380 (Haiku under qemu-system-riscv64, system timer issues) – Haiku which is (poorly) linked in the article) which causes it.

I see, this way you developers to expand the “supported versions”. Thanks for the quick answer, Alexander.

I used exactly the command from the article.
After another reboot,it still behaves the same way.
I hope there will be support for the VisionFive V1 SBC when it’s released next year.
QEMU is not a perfect solution,but the HiFive Unmatched is too expensive for me.

Well done @kallisti5, @X512 and other developers who helped make this happen!


A small step for RISC-V one giant leap for Haiku.


4 posts were split to a new topic: Haiku and FatELF

I’m having an issue with my copy of the image, resets after bootloader because of load access fault while trying to load the kernel

After we merged gcc 11 a few weeks ago, the RISCV64 images saw several regressions.
I updated this article with the working hrevs (between hrev55624 and hrev55697)

Here are the regressions:

@X512 has been busy on the Vulcan + wine ports, and hasn’t had the time to look into the issues.
I’ve been poking at the problem in the tickets above, but haven’t been able to figure out the cause.


Well, that fixed the first issue, now I have an issue with it freezing while initializing the graphics driver

Hello, i wanna buy Lichee RV Dock, and try boot Haiku, this is real on nightly builds? , small, not big price for buy-in , interest board :),?
And if there is boot, may be i can get sensor display, for send any data to be develop/contribute information for this businness… I decided to take…

Also this is Be Good for, deep diving in tech, io connecting, development tldr, on board have many for this. This is enother level :thinking::melting_face:

I look forward to trying Haiku on the VisionFive 2.


The only requirement today is a RV64GC or better core, UEFI firmware (Tianocore, etc) for the device, or the ability to boot a UEFI bootloader providing UEFI hooks (modern u-boot).

Beyond the above requirements, we also need a video framebuffer device, 1 GiB (2 better) of Memory, and some media to boot from (SD Card, etc)

If the above is available, Haiku is much more likely to boot today (or be booted after some minor adjustments in the future)

For all of EFI’s pain points (PE, etc), It definitely makes porting to boards a lot easier.

Thank you for the link. Also thinking about getting this board now! :slight_smile:

I just purchased the 8GiB edition if it helps encourage y’all to buy them :slight_smile: . $64 is nothing for a 4 core / 8GiB RV64GC board.


I totally did that 5 secs before!!! LOVE!!!


I’ve just backed VisionFive 2 - open source quad-core RISC-V dev board.


I may be too get this, thank.
maybe a good choice is to pay so as not to receive surprises in the future at the end … From another community :thinking: if get device on special terms, although the offers are tempting

does haiku work in these voards now ?

I am also very interested in the VisionFive 2 and the Pine64 Star64. I’ve dismissed earlier boards, but these two have an integrated GPU, in addition to being very cheap. I hope that operating systems will opt for ISOs and a normal x86-style installation method this time, to make it feel like a real PC.


Probably not. A few drivers will be needed unless the hardware is extremely standard (and I don’t expect hardware to be standard, even when it claims to be).

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