BeOS vmware image

I’d like to play/show BeOS PE /Max at work. Of course the office only runs windows. Whats the easiest way to install a BeOS vmware image? I’ve seen some other instructions elsewhere but they seem cryptic for something that seems fairly simple. And is there already a BeOS PE vmware image available for download anywhere?

I haven’t been able to get BeOS 5 Pro to run under VMware … I only ever got it working under VirtualPC and even then it was slow. It’s a shame. Perhaps someone has managed to get Max running though ???

You must have missed some mailing list posts in the past :wink:

Karl of HaikuWare was even considering distribution of a BeOS Max V4 VMWare image - but I don’t think he ever published it. BeOS Max V4 now comes with the vmware video driver, and the vlance driver (which sucks - I recommend using ipro1000 instead).

It’s actually tricky to get it installed from what I hear… but once installed it’s supposed to run pretty well.

Perhaps someone can contact Karl privately and see if he can provide info.

Apparently he has gotten it to work. You can contact him through if you to more info.