BeOS compatibility and packagefs

“just don’t build broken packages”

Hold on, threats? Developers got threatened over a package manager?

See the nasty bebits/haikuware battle history… that is probably what he is referring to. (or save yourself the mental strain and don’t lol).

For system that installed for a long time, it is unavoidable that some package contents corruption will occur for various reasons. System will degrade and bitrot as packages get installed/uninstalled/write config files etc… packagefs ensure that package contents will remain consistent and allow long life of single OS installation.

System degrade over time is real problem for Windows and Linux. System become slower and various errors accumulates. Also malware may alter installed package contents.


A threat to fork the OS, not a personal threat.

Oh, that’s a relief.

That’s why filesystem blocks should be checksumed with parity… Haiku itself is still vulnerabile to such corruption with packagefs AFAIK perhaps there is a checksum on a the packagefs but there isn’t any parity system like ZFS has.

They should have just done that instead of annoying happy Haiku users by trying to force their opinion on everyone.
Oh wait…they actually did,and nobody cared…

It will not help with bad behaving software that alter contents that are supposed to be immutable. Bad behaving software is unavoidable reality.

Got it I and many other than Haiku users… are nobody. A lot of people DID leave, and note that I am very PRO package management, but very much against packagefs that was mostly developed without any user input.

Oh so read only attributes don’t exist. Oh wait they’ve existed for decades. In fact windows uses those fairly heavily… where they fall short is still running on NTFS developed in the early 90s with no integrity provisions.

That forked project went nowhere because nobody (or at least not enough people) cared about it and contributed to it.
You’re here at Haiku today instead of the forked project.
Haiku has reached many important milestones over the years while the forked project,if I know right,doesn’t even exist anymore.
And still you’re saying that packagefs broke Haiku and changed everything for bad.

Some nasty software will overwrite files even with read only attributes. It is easily achieved with post install scripts that usually run with root permissions. I can’t trust system integrity if every package may alter whole system state in any way that packager/software author wants.

HPKG may be checked with checksum and in future with digital signature.

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Your reply here is just sassy and unproductive, ro attributes do not help this situation at all.

I doubt you will convince anyone with jabs in the direction of “This can be done another way too!”

It can always be done another way, packagefs is the way that it was done and it works perfectly. So far your messages have been stabbing at air, figuratively speakibg.


You can see it however you like… I dislike having an extremely complicated packagefs that like maybe 1 or 2 people actually understand. Instead of a simple package manager.

Things already have settled for about decade ago. Things that are become broken with packagefs are already forgotten. Developers and users that left Haiku because of packagefs controversy will not suddenly come back.

It never should have happened… that fact doesn’t change either.

There is a truth in the saying don’t cry over spoiled milk.
Nothing is gained from this debate. Personally it is silly to me since these events took place long before I was at Haiku.

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I am a big proponent of packagefs. I think it does everything better than the others. We need to talk about improvements for packagefs, like what I think is a confusing dir layout (which happened when read-write overlay didn’t work out in time) and that it can probably use less memory.
So there are things to gain from this discussion, albeit more solution oriented and people getting some agreement on what problems should be fixed.


Everyone is allowed to have a view on this, but we are getting close to name calling and such. So if you want to discuss it focus more on what can be improved instead of questioning each other.