ARM port

How far is the ARM port of Haiku?

Here is the latest news. The beaglebone black port is being worked on but is not usable yet.

[quote=cb88]Here is the latest news. The beaglebone black port is being worked on but is not usable yet.[/quote]

Great! I hope they keep on carrying on! Haiku is a platform that could be uniquely attuned to such environs.

Now Haiku will be installable on Raspberry Pi! Or maybe on Android phones too.

It’s not the boot & installation portions that I’m worried about (though this would be great)… rather, it’s if the USB wifi stack would work on the Pi or not.

I don’t think we have USB Wifi support at all, so no.

I hope they get it working, how ever is this a distro or a port. I am just asking as I am curisos to know if they have to follow the distrobution guidlines or if their is some secret code that the devlopers only know. Haiku on the pi would not be able to run normal haiku programs do to the diffrence in arektecurs.