Another website with applications for Haiku (hpkg and utilities)

It would be nice if you added links to , , and

Hi bbjimmy,

Links added to Software Depot :slight_smile:

Ah. I see it. It’s the same as the official Haiku website though… I probably thought it was some Web+ bug that shows the favicon from the previous shown site. You may want to individualize the icon…

Summery is looking good. :slight_smile:


[quote=Giova84]Hi bbjimmy,

Links added to Software Depot :-)[/quote]

Hello Giova84,

thanks to add our repository to your website, but we are not only lelldorin. We are BeSly Software Solutions. And we are not the owner of Guest Ons repository (, thats a russian repository

Greetings Lelldorin

[quote=lelldorin][quote=Giova84]Hi bbjimmy,

Links added to Software Depot :-)[/quote]

Hello Giova84,

thanks to add our repository to your website, but we are not only lelldorin. We are BeSly Software Solutions. And we are not the owner of Guest Ons repository (, thats a russian repository

Greetings Lelldorin[/quote]

Sorry, I was thinking that you was the only author from BeSly Software Solutions :slight_smile:

Now, however, is fixed. You’re welcome!

Following Giovanni’s example [and with some prodding from him!] I have set up an index of the Haiku (and some other) stuff on my site:
Hope it's useful.

My guess would be that “downloaded” link don’t count as “visited”. You never opened the file in the browser, only saved it to disk. Not sure if we can do something about that, as visited links tracking is somewhere in WebKit internals.

Hello Giova,

can you add a search funktion into the little writer?

Hi Lelldorin,

first of all many thanks for your precious and good suggestion: can you insert such enhancement here? Issues · Giova84/LittleWriter · GitHub

However, since I’m not very good/experienced about coding, propose your feature in the Little Writer’s GitHub page could increment the possibility to see such feature implemented by someone else :wink:
And obviously you can also feel free to give your contribute in any area.

Kind regards.