Announcement: New/updated in HaikuDepot (2023)

Updated 32bit version for CudaText ( now availabe in the depot. :slight_smile:

Created with fpcupdeluxe (latest version also updated recently) → lazarus → cudatext_up sources:

Update! CudaText now also available for 64bit :slight_smile:

Both architectures need python3.7 still, had no real success bumping newer python version (without having to use LD_PRELOAD or the likes to launch it) :wink:


WIP * :slight_smile:

Almost there (building with Qt6 solves the crash when opening Preferences, maybe a bug in our Qt5 port?):


I think I found two issues with our Python packages:

  1. None of our python versions provide (at least as a symlink) /system/lib/ (x=7m, 8, 9, 10, etc), but only /system/lib/ (as a symlink to /system/develop/lib/

    This prevents CudaText from autodetecting the installed Python(s), and thus require setting pylib__haiku=/system/develop/lib/ as part of the build process (or changing that from user.json in CudaText user settings).

  2. Using ls *.so | xargs -L1 readelf -d | grep libpython3 | wc -l under each /system/lib/python3.x/lib-dynload dir shows that for Python 3.7 all those .so (Python’s C extension modules) are linked against (output of the command is “65”, same as the number of .so files), but none of the other versions do so (output “0”).

    I am assuming that we didn’t notice any issue, as we almost always use /bin/python3.x, which IS linked against the corresponding of course, and when we import C extension modules, we do so from inside /bin/python3.x’s process (with the already loaded).

    I’m guessing that those C extension modules not explicitly linking with, is what’s causing CudaText to give those “resolve symbol” errors, not at startup, but only when it tries to load a plugin that needs those modules (and thus why using LD_PRELOAD=/system/develop/lib/ CudaText works).

Guess I’ll have to take the plunge, and do some “./configure / Makefile” spelunking. Diffing will be “fun” :frowning:.

Hopefully someone else beats me to the punch, or point out how silly and wrong I am, and points to a proper solution. Either would be awesome :smiley:


Could very well be, allthough I already tried pointing to /boot/system/lib/ in the source (which should override using the in the develop directory) with no succes (same outcome every time. Thanks for brainstorming on this!

Relevant Python issues:


And from What’s New In Python 3.8 — Python 3.8.18 documentation :

On Unix, C extensions are no longer linked to libpython except on Android and Cygwin. When Python is embedded, libpython must not be loaded with RTLD_LOCAL, but RTLD_GLOBAL instead. Previously, using RTLD_LOCAL, it was already not possible to load C extensions which were not linked to libpython, like C extensions of the standard library built by the *shared* section of Modules/Setup.

So… not sure if that should be fixed on CudaText side (on its python4delphi component, perhaps), or if we have to do as Android/Cygwin, and revert back to what what was done up to Python 3.7.

One of the posts from the links above makes me want to give the later option a go.

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CudaText/Python4Lazarus is already “using RTLD_GLOBAL” for the dlopen() call that loads But it also uses RTLD_LAZY. I wonder if that might be causing the issue.

@Begasus, could you try changing line 3008 on python4lazarus/PythonEngine.pas to:

FDLLHandle := PtrInt(dlopen(PAnsiChar(S), RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_NOW));

Recompile that and CudaText, and see if that solves the missing symbols when using Python 3.9 when attempting to use plugins on CudaText?

That seems to be the only place were Alexey uses dlopen, so… worth a shot?

According to dlopen’s specs/docs:

All necessary relocations shall be performed when the executable object file is first loaded. This may waste some processing if relocations are performed for symbols that are never referenced. This behavior may be useful for applications that need to know that all symbols referenced during execution will be available before dlopen() returns.

Even if that does fix it the issue, we might still consider doing whatever Python now does for Android/CYGWING, and make those modules link against

The fact that Python originally didn’t link those modules to “”, then it did for a few versions, then reverted back to not link them, only to shortly afterwards “undo” that for Android and then for CYGWIN… plus comments like this, leaves me wondering “what the heck?!?” we’re supposed to do here? :smiley:

For reference (if we need to patch our Python’s):

  • commit making CYGWIN behave like Android’s case here.
  • and fix up to that one here.


No more errors show also when launched from Terminal! :trophy:
Thanks @BiPolar !!!

EDIT @BiPolar Maybe create new packages that supports python3.9?


It would be good if you can do so, yes.

Otherwise I’ll need to add CudaText to the “list of shame” (things still using Python 3.7)" :stuck_out_tongue:

IMO, CudaText [1] should be modified so it looks for [2] (for different values of x), so it picks up the symlink we already provide in /system/lib/, and not use hardcoded /system/develop/lib/

[1] on python4lazarus component I presume. It would make setting a default value for pylib__haiku unnecessary, if it can find it on its own.

this line looks promissing. I’d change it to: Result := 'libpython' + SysVersion + '.so.1.0';

And perhaphs also modifying lines inside this {$ifdef _so_files} accordingly.

[2] Could be simplified to if/when our Python packages provide such symlink.

That way, the CudaText package can be made independent of the Python version (it is not a hard REQUIRES, as it runs without libpython, albeit with no access to plugins, of course).

Sorry for not doing this myself, I try to stay away of all the mayor/big/complicated dependencies (GTK/Qt/Lazarus/etc). Too much for my PC/internet/patience/skills :smiley:

This is what I’ve got atm:

diff --git a/python4lazarus/PythonEngine.pas b/python4lazarus/PythonEngine.pas
index ffa5446..f43dd0c 100644
--- a/python4lazarus/PythonEngine.pas
+++ b/python4lazarus/PythonEngine.pas
@@ -3005,7 +3005,7 @@ begin
     FDLLHandle := Windows.LoadLibrary(PChar(S));
     //Linux: need here RTLD_GLOBAL, so Python can do "import ctypes"
-    FDLLHandle := PtrInt(dlopen(PAnsiChar(S), RTLD_LAZY+RTLD_GLOBAL));
+    FDLLHandle := PtrInt(dlopen(PAnsiChar(S), RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_NOW));

diff --git a/app/proc_globdata.pas b/app/proc_globdata.pas
index 3e80803..f546a19 100644
--- a/app/proc_globdata.pas
+++ b/app/proc_globdata.pas
@@ -1335,11 +1335,9 @@ begin
   {$ifdef haiku}
     {$ifdef CPU64}
-    exit('/boot/system/develop/lib/');
+    exit('/boot/system/lib/');
-    exit('/boot/system/develop/lib/x86/');
+    exit('/boot/system/lib/x86/');
@@ -1627,8 +1625,8 @@ begin
   AppDir_Py:= OpDirLocal+DirectorySeparator+'py';
   AppDir_Data:= OpDirLocal+DirectorySeparator+'data';
   {$ifdef haiku}
-  AppDir_Py:= '/boot/system/data/cudatext/data';
-  AppDir_Data:= '/boot/system/data/cudatext/data';
+  AppDir_Py:= '/boot/home/config/non-packaged/data/cudatext/py';
+  AppDir_Data:= '/boot/home/config/non-packaged/data/cudatext/data';
   AppDir_Lexers:= AppDir_Data+DirectorySeparator+'lexlib';
   AppDir_LexersLite:= AppDir_Data+DirectorySeparator+'lexliblite';

I’m guessing @roiredxsoto did the initial upstream patches here for
This should be enough to get it to work for python3.9.

No expert here, but it should be good enough for my skills to get things up and running for the “default” python version. :wink:

EDIT forgot to mention that I needed to set the right python version in the default.json file too (otherwise that points to python3.7 still and will show up in the options dialog).

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Making it require/work-with Python 3.9 for now sounds OK to me.

Guess that if it bothers me enough, at some point I’ll gather the dependencies and test myself the suggested changes :smiley:.

Thanks for your work Begasus!

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Small update, packages have been rebuild on buildmasters and are now available for both arch’s, this should complete the process for now having it using python3.9, thanks so far @BiPolar (and if you got the time and bandwidth there probably comes a better solution then this). :wink:


Iaito, officail Qt frontend for radare2, after updating radare2 (and a mention about iaito on the issue at haikuports) I’ve been looking into building a package for Haiku.
Now it’s here! A few downsides still, translations can’t be installed (iaito crashes when they are installed), no luck on fixing the crash when trying to launch from Tracker/Deskbar (has to be launched from Terminal for now).

This could use an icon too, a svg is included in the source but can’t be converted to rdef (out of range), so anyone with skills … :wink:


TuxRacer finaly reveived (long outstanding issue at haikuports), this could use a nice icon too. :slight_smile:

Notes (long outstanding issue at haikuports also), currently got an icon but could use one more Haiku style. :slight_smile:

XRick launch from Tracker/Deskbar fixed (closed an old issue for that too), available on 64bit too now.


PCManFM got an update (after updating depending libraries):

Updated FCEUX 64bit only for now (could use a nice icon too) :slight_smile:

LGeneral got a fix for libSDL (as many others in the last days) and a build fix, it’s now available on 64bit also. (could also use an icon) :slight_smile:

Last one in the line of fixing libSDL references, Heroes, recipe changes included sound files and now also available on 64bit! (Game launches in fullscreen, but you switch easaly with Alt-Enter to windowed mode). :slight_smile:

Exult 1.8 (Ultima7 engine), now availabe in the depot for 32bit and 64bit (fixes long outstanding issue):
Copy your original game data to ~/config/non-packaged/data/exult directory to play.

New (older issue) an outstanding PR that was lying around and is fixed now, LDmicroqt:
Thanks for the groundwork from @3dEyes and @mazbrili !


wow… cool… big thanks @Begasus :+1: :+1:

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Thank you @mazbrili for the original PR! :slight_smile:

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We have the original exult (32bit) files with description on our repo over years, but no one take notice of that :wink:


I was bumping into this from the open issues at haikuports when I fixed this, didn’t look elsewhere, sorry :slight_smile:

EDIT: for the record, created a PR upstream to fix the paths for Haiku :slight_smile:

Gerbera 1.12.1 for 64bit, 32bit errors on launch (needs investigation):

ScummVM and TuxPaint (with tuxpaint-config and the stamps) updated:


TuxPaint et all have been bumped to release 0.31

New in the depot, FileLights


We now have the new version of Noto Emoji, a monochrome emoji font redone by google. The new version covers all unicode again, supports variable weights and brings back the blob emoji.

In my opinion this looks really good, This will most likely be the default emoji font for Haiku going forward, replacing the previous identically named Noto emoji that has not been maintained for some time.

Font page: Noto Emoji - Google Fonts

googles blog: What is black and white and read all over? — Google for Developers Blog - News about Web, Mobile, AI and Cloud


Oh nice, the return of the blobs! Missed them from earlier iterations of Noto Emoji.

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