Announcement: New/updated in HaikuDepot (2017)

ImageMagickGUI Version 0.6 online

new look, because you have booth, the original image and the manipulated image.


Great work and improvements!

I have a request: can you implement hue modulation Color Modifications -- IM v6 Examples
and saturation? :slight_smile:

Would be also good to change the way to apply the values: sliders instead of text fields, and also to see the changes in real time :slight_smile:

Edit: I noticed that convert > channel > saturation (and also lightness) currently, seems that does nothing.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I have played around and add “convert -modulate value1, value2, hue input output” (not released). And also some other stuff will be follow next. If you have more like this tell me.

I thinked about it at the beginning too, but i stop do this for the moment, because i does not now, in all parts, how does the range for the values. I have also the problem that i does not can make values to select with a point insite, like for the “hue” function. A real time view will be hard work i think, because it will slow down the process (yab is a script language).

The output image changes up to minus 0.02 KiB, so it does anything. But i have seen that this function will be used to “-separate” colors. I will see and learn.

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Many thanks to you for this nice app!
I also made an icon (composed using already available icons) to recall “Image Magick” :

If you like it, feel free to add it to your app! You can download the hvif icon from here:


Very nice artwork, Giova.

Thank you, but I don’t deserve this, since the author of these icons is Zumi:

I just composed these two icons in Icon-O-Matic :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the icon. I will be using it at next release.

Can you explain how do you make this icon? Would be an interesting tutorial for the besly knowledge base.

** New version online 0.7-3

New version of ImageMagickGUI 0.9.1-1

  • Reorganisation of the operators menu
  • Template system
  • More options

Fixes in Version 0.9.1-2

  • Menu will be displayed in template creater again
  • Doubled entries in the template creater menu are fixed

I have always wanted something like this. A Markdown browser.

many improvements, but still not ready for prime time:

It can now resize the text and the Window, it saves the text size and Window size on exit. Still need to get history working and allow one to set the home page.


Mass Picture Converter

My new little program is out and available over our repository server (HaikUDepot or Website:

A little program to convert images using ImageMagick. Only drop your pictures or a folder to the dropzone, select a operator to convert the pictures.


New version of HPKGCreator is out. You can found it on our repository server.


I have found an error in the program. This is fixed and now available.

The Jump and Run Hermes is current available from our repository server ( Thanks to and the porter for this great funny little game.


Is this supposed to be a Hypercard-like program? Something where users can make simple programs using a human readable syntax?
Or is this closer to WinHelp files?

Helpviewer is closer to windows help files, but much better.

Could it be used to make simple applications or scripts with GUIs?
It’s just that it reminds me of Hypercard so much, that was a pretty good programming tool for the novice user.

Try yab now, it can be bind on the yab binary like a executeable file or run as script

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And have you tried yab now?