Continue Discussion 13 replies
July 2022


Is there any chance to accept donations using SEPA transfer/invoice or credit card sooner or later?
I’d really like to donate,but I don’t use Paypal and I have good reasons not to.
I also don’t want to trust Micro$oft for money stuff,but from what I’ve read so far it’s again only Paypal as well?
Accepting only Paypal through Liberapay doesn’t make that any better,unfortunately.
It’s a great platform if Stripe is accepted so I can simply do a SEPA transfer.

2 replies
July 2022 ▶ nipos

nephele Developer

Maybe the HSA can accept those, they are based in the EU directly.

July 2022


I’ve just checked their website and yes,they do accept SEPA transfers.
But donations to them fund events like BeGeistert or CodeSprint,which I also really like,but it doesn’t directly contribute to funding waddlespashs contract or infrastructure costs and similar stuff.

July 2022


My credit card balance shows an exchange rate Euro to Dollar of 10! It seems wrong. It should be 1.
Where should I report this?

1 reply
July 2022 ▶ vercu

humdinger Developer

I suppose at GitHub.
I chose to donate in $US anyway. My PayPal receipts show the exchange rate to EUR correctly, yesterday that was 1 EUR = 0.969808 USD.