A lot of changes that lead up to the release of R1B5, congratulations to all involved, big thumbs up!
A lot of changes that lead up to the release of R1B5, congratulations to all involved, big thumbs up!
Thank you everyone for your hard work.
Ahoy Niklas !
Ayye’, you are famous now !..
If you don’t avoid yourself you’ll get into an interview questions with Andrea and you can easily find yourself in that situation to talk about … how you’d
Thanks for the hard work !
I was interested how those many patches - I’ve seen on Gerrit - would be going to be reported in a written blog post … and now : it had turned out !.. It was a long list also - explained !..
Apropos, explanation :
- What the heck is “S3 bucket” ?
Is it some server storage way ? or a container-like stuff ?
(I would be appreciated if such terms described in the report or just after there.)
Howaver, I would mention the followings …
Yepp , I’m one of those guys who experienced huge network download speed acceleration … however not generally … and not since August, but lately.
Foe example
I have even 7-8 MB/sec dl speed in some cases in Falkon recently, however GNOME Web with the same source worked in KB territory and not some hundreds , bur under 100 KB/sec.
Also packages downloaded max. 1-2 MB/sec speed, I admit they comes overseas, and once package validation with minisign will be resolved we might have European haiku repos … and then I can compare it more fairly.
It is not complains - just facts from me –
Besides these above … I’m happy with observed acceleration, I just remark
it is still not equally general. Apps do not handle / use it equally and plain use from OS is not remarkable for first sight.