Continue Discussion 13 replies
January 2020

humdinger Developer

I think you may have him confused with his brother… it was actually X512 who made all those great fixes.

1 reply
January 2020

PulkoMandy Developer

The Gerrit commits are credited to X547. It would be too easy if everyone had unique names :slight_smile:

January 2020


I always read these reports, although I understand very little of what is written. However, it’s encouraging to see progress being made, and as usual, hats off to all those whose hard work brings Haiku ever closer to its goal.

January 2020


My primary nickname is X512. Nickname X547 is used in github account, because primary nickname was already used by someone else.

1 reply
January 2020 ▶ X512

PulkoMandy Developer

Maybe you can change your “full name” in Gerrit preferences then, that will make things easier. I’ll fix the report.